About two weeks ago I got into a prolonged debate with a fellow member who was an avowed conservative. He got upset at me because I conflated most or all Republicans were to some degree racist.
I may have been mistaken. Let me backtrack a little. While I disagree with traditional Republican/Conservative policies and solution for most things. But having said that, I could still respect many of them.
However, after the rally in NC the other night. I now think that enough Trump supporters are demonstrating overt racism, that it now possible to assert that all Trump supporters (they are not true Republicans) are truly and unquestionably racist.
The republican party is definitely not the same platform it was 20 or 30 years ago. I tried to remain independent and often voted for republican candidates back then. It has now morphed into Trump's party, but was ripe for the pickings since the core membership has quietly slid over time to white supremacy (non white and non Christians get out) along with isolationism. Not every republican embraces this new anti morality platform, but their silence is simply passive support.
Yes indeed, now emboldened by shitheadinchief, coming up from the sewers in droves.....
Did you ever see movies of 1930s Hitler rallies? IMO they look similar to Trump rallies except Hitler picked on the Jews....Trump picks on the Immigrants.
I just posted that exact comment in response to a Sassygirl post earlier today. They look and feel almost identical. Scary
As far as I’m concerned anyone that supported him before the election with the knowledge there is trump is the same person who, in 1973, was sued for racial discrimination; who, in 1989, called for executing five falsely convicted black and Latino teenagers; and who, in 2011, attempted to delegitimize America’s first black president by spreading the false conspiracy theory that he was not born in the U.S.
ADD all the horrific things he has tweeted and bullied people with his racist dog whistles since in office ....
Yeah GOP are racist.