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I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain? I’m not 100% certain of anything. There is always the possibility that evidence will come to light that supports the opposing opinion. Do I think there’s a god? No. Am I open to the possibility that I don’t know everything? Absolutely. A negative can’t really be proven. What makes you so sure that your belief is the correct one?

Leeshi 7 July 21

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92 comments (51 - 75)

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I've had issue trying to understand what makes people so sure myself. An atheist explained to me once you can treat it like a logical query. If someone makes a claim something exists, yet shows no evidence to back up the claim to make it true, the default stance is to state the claim is false.

It's not that there is a claim this thing doesn't exist. It's literally a rejection of the claim without verifiable proof. In this way, even agnosics who may have doubts God exists fall under this atheist umbrella albeit in a loose way.

I find "agnostic" to explain my belief system more than atheism myself. There are a lot of big picture things humans aren't sure about- like how was this universe exist, what started it all, etc. A "God" in the form of a human being with tenants seems highly unlikely. Whatever force may be behind everything is likely something we couldn't wrap our heads around.


I would never say I was 100% certain...just on the laws of probability it’s almost a100% certainty that there isn’t any god. Nobody in the long history of the world has actually found any evidence that a god or gods exist, that is pretty compelling, however not 100% conclusive.

Same here


I know 100% that god does not exist until those who claim that it exists show me the evidence that such thing like god exists the same way I know 100% that Santa does not exist until you show me the evidence that it exists.

NR92 Level 6 July 22, 2019

Seems reasonable

@Leeshi But although we do not have evidence of Alien existence but there is a probability that Aliens may exist, because we have logical reason for that, and the reason is that as we exist in a tiny planet at solar system, there is the probability that same like us there can be intelligent Aliens living on some other planet in another solar systems and in another galaxy, because the universe is so vast then if we can exist, aliens living things can also exist somewhere in the universe.

Santa took a bit out of the cookie I left for him and Rudolph ate the carrot. Checkmate asantaist.


Man . I can think at least ten things that I am certain of , and will take less than 10 seconds 😂
And I have to say , the gods issue won't even make my top ten list , who gives a rat's behind 😂🙌
I can't imagine a life that u are " uncertain of anything" . Wow . I knew my life was boring , but man , after this I should kill my self 😂😂😂

Clearly, I give a rats behind because I asked the question. I’m sorry it’s too boring for you. I invite you to find something more lively.

That was kind of mean for no reason.

@Sticks48 I don’t really appreciate when someone laughs at me for asking a legitimate question and then calls me boring. I also don’t find suicide jokes amusing.

@Leeshi -- @Pralina1 did not actually call you boring, and your legitimate question has been asked here about a thousand times, so i think if she WAS bored by your question (which is not the same thing as calling YOU boring) she could be forgiven. as for being laughed at, please try to get over it. it happens to all of us in life, not just here, and not just online. if you wanted to control the nature of the response to your question, you should have joined a religion. obviously you give a rat's ass; obviously she cared found your question lively enough to come and answer it. and if you do not find her jokes amusing, perhaps you should apply to yourself the same yardstick you applied to her for not finding your question fascinating.


@Leeshi slow your roll ma'am .

Nobody called u boring , I said my life is boring , and apparently I don't spend time for such deep questions anymore , to not mention , I am certain of a lot of things , therefore = boring .

I can laugh all I want , nobody laughed at u . When I laugh at u , trust me , u will know .

Are u certain that this was " a suicide joke "? How can u be so certain ? 😂
If u think I made it to this age so I can kill self after a post of yours on a website , dude . I don't know what to say .
I am laughing 😂😂😂😂

@Leeshi l was talking to Pralina. ☺

@Sticks48 Thank you


I am comfortable in my 100% sure that there is no "God"; however, like you I am ready to accept new evidence should it present itself, but it won't, and I'll tell you why. Born with epilepsy and stricken with rheumatic fever as a child my father was a very sick man; also, I had a sister that was two years older than me (I'm sixty eight) that was stricken with polio at the age of four and became a paraplegic as a result. My father's family is an old family; they can trace their roots back to their first ancestor to settle here in the mid 1600s and on back into England; they have always been devoutly religious, and my father was no exception. I don't know how it was before my sister was stricken with polio, but afterwards he embarked on a quest looking for a miracle for both himself and my sister; if there was a revival, we were there; if there was a faith healer around, we were there. This went on until I was eight, when my father passed away at 45 still looking for his miracle. My sister was no different; she died at the age of 70 almost a quadriplegic still asking her god to heal her. So is there a "God"? My evidence says, no, but I am always open to new data should it present itself, but it will have to be VERY, VERY compelling.

I’m sorry you had to go through that. I think your reaction is what any reasonable person would have and I agree that the evidence would have to be extremely compelling

@Leeshi, that is not the only reason for my atheism, they just laid the corner stones. In all my years I have never encountered any evidence that supports the existence of some omniscient being.


What specifically do you mean by 100%?

I have spent my life observing the world and have seen many more than 200 things without coming across anything supernatural.

I mentioned the number 200 because 1 event in 200 gives 1 / 200 = 0.005 = 0.5%. Looked at in reverse that would be 99.5% out of 100%. 99.5% rounds up to 100%. So there. 😋

If course since I don't even have 1 event, the number works out technically even higher than that. 😎

Speaking seriously though... One thing that I am most confident of is that there is nothing certain in our existence. So I cannot say that I am absolutely certain the supernatural doesn't exist. (If something exists, it's natural.)

But given my observations and what I've seen of the credibility (sometimes the lack thereof) of people's claims in various directions, my confidence in the non-existence of the supernatural is so close to 100% that 100% is definitely the number that describes it best.

RichCC Level 8 July 22, 2019

I was just looking at someone’s profile earlier and noticed that they said that they are 100% sure that no god exists. That has always confused me, so I wanted to find out how anyone could be that sure.

I absolutely love how you responded, but I’m still unsure how one is SO sure. You said that your belief is based on your own observation, but isn’t there more than just your own observation? People are discovering new things all the time. I’m just confused as to how someone could be THAT sure

Sorry for this soap-box response. I guess I'm in that kind of mood.

Classic Greek Stoicism comes as close to my worldview as anything I've read -- Epictetus, Seneca,

One tenet is that one's personal sphere of influence should be the limit of their concern. If something comes in from outside, don't let it upset you.

On the other hand, things inside someone's sphere are very much their responsibility. Everyone makes their own choices and receives their own consequences.

By necessity everyone lives 100% in their own point of view and even if they want to there's nothing they can do about it. The Rush lyric says it well: 'If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice'.

Everyone has 100% belief. Some just happen to be more evidence-based than others. And people are defined and constrained by their beliefs. For me, the strongest selling points of science and the real world are that they work. Those are reasonable working premises for me.


@RichCC don’t ever apologize for helping someone understand a point that has puzzled them. Thank you.


I think having an open mind is a virtue. And an open mind must be ready for any evidence for a god. This readiness curtails absolute certainty.


Can we be absolutely certain that there is no flying NoodleMonster or PastaMonster? We can only ever be certain of our own relativity. As we have zero chance of ever taking a look from the outside of the universe, we just have to content ourselves with our beliefs. Sanity commands to establish some arbitrary parameters. For me one of them is the certainty that there are no divine authorities as described by people and disguised as religions to shelter these concepts from criticism.


I don't know if a God exist or not...its simply not enough evidence to definitely say it I table that until sufficient proof comes along


You're absolutely right. I'm 99.9% certain there are no gods, through logical reasoning. But no-one can be 100% certain.


This Q is for those of 100% disbelief and why... Many people find it difficult to say 100%. I think they fear bad karma, for we are a suspicious lot. I'm 100% sure that the supernatural and all the immaterial entities that ever dwelled therein, is a mental construct of the human mind. Early humans created the supernatural to try to explain what they didn't and couldn't know. And it gave human spirits a place to go. From shamans to popes, all religions are scams that hold rituals in the supernatural realm. grogalot

GROG Level 6 July 25, 2019

this is why cross the Sea of Reeds and the whole Exodus mythology, almost surely. What we maybe don't realize at our remove is that the jealous keepers of knowledge were "priests," the guys who knew how to make Bronze, hence "Bronze Age Collapse" which also no one knows anything about. The secret to making bronze became irrelevant overnight, bc Iron.

I don’t believe in karma, so that is not my motivation for finding it difficult to claim 100% certainty. I just don’t feel it’s possible to be that certain

@Leeshi I know how you feel. That is the way humans are...there is always a chance. Right? In the last few years I have looked at this "religion" thing. An eye opener was how obvious that religion is a scam, most especially monotheism with resurrection and eternal souls. Why do you believe that there is a chance that the supernatural exists? The idea of the supernatural is put into the mind of every child! We grow up "believing" that there is or might be another world. This is the delusion that has been passed through all generations. There is still a chance? I believe 100% that heaven, the supernatural, does not exist; except in the human mind. GROG

@GROG I don’t necessarily believe that there is a chance that the supernatural exists, but more that there is a chance that I am wrong.

@Leeshi Have faith in yourself. GROG

@GROG Faith is blind belief

@Leeshi That is true. The faithful look with eyes wide shut. They need not see for the mystery is behind the eyes, besides, they don't want to see. GROG


You’re right. A negative is pretty much unprovable. And, I am a person quite rooted in hard science. At some point you have to collect your findings (complete or incomplete) draw conclusions and write the paper. I don’t need to await additional evidence, as every bit of evidence that has ever come in has been against the presence of gods. And, as science always is about findings of now, and drawing best conclusions with the evidence presented... and then, furthering our understanding using new experiments based on the initial conclusion... I believe this to be a wholly appropriate time to take the stance that there are no god or gods. Anything that appears, and claims to be a god in the future should be looked at as highly suspect, and likely a sham. These beings are just from another dimension, and are here to exploit us. Their Godlike powers are just technology, even though some will worship them as gods.

But, you me, that paragraph still sounds like an agnostic talking preliminary findings.

Truly, in my heartest of hearts.... I’m an atheist. The world I see is governed by science. There is some science which we have a pretty good grasp on, and some that is still yet to be understood. There IS the possibility of inter dimensional beings... but ... Anything magical/mystical is simply poorly understood natural phenomenon or technology. I don’t see anything outside of that, no matter how cool and mysterious our consciousness is...or how special we want to feel...or how lucky we got in simply existing, given that there had to be no life one minute, and life in another minute, which gave rise to us. What a f’n mind-f*ck! Atheism does not diminish the amazingness that has come to be, and it begs further experimentation into seeing if we can recreate these life or consciousness. But...To me, it’s open and shut. No gods. No possibility of gods. It makes utter sense to me to just move on. That’s why, I, myself, am an atheist and not an agnostic.

so you admit you cannot know right before you insist that you know?

@bbyrd009 Read it how you will, but your response sounds like you are trying to show fallacy in my stance. Let it stand that I can both be utterly convinced in atheism, while at the same time be rational in understanding and admitting my own limits as a human, unlike those who espouse belief. But, I am espousing a belief in atheism. This question/thread is not asking me to prove a damn thing, but simply to say why I have that stance. And this, I did.


Define "god".


i'm what Camus described as the "absurd" man - the one who without denying the existence of god makes no preparation for the hereafter. . meaning it's unimportant. i'm here for X number years and then i'm gone.

I shared an atheist article on Good Friday this year to my FB page, without really remembering that it was Good Friday, because I don’t care about it. I just thought the article was interesting. It offended my Uncle and he responded to it as if I had directed it to him specifically, saying (among other things) that he believes and if he is wrong, then at least he lived a good life. If I’m wrong, then I’m going to a very bad place. On top of the factual inconsistencies, it kind of epitomized my problem with religion in general. If your method of persuasion is fear and threats of violence, then you need a new method. A person who believes out of fear is not a true believer. They’re just pretending out of fear.


If you say you are 100% sure of something, aren’t you also saying you can prove it? I don’t believe in any gods, but I can’t prove my belief, therefore I’m not 100% certain. Nothing like talking in circles.


I am 100% certain that I don't care either way


@Leeshi ahhh cookie !!!!... Nice !!! ( I am also 100% certain that God didn't send it to me 😊 )


For the same reason that I do not believe in leprechauns and unicorns 100%


There are questions that cannot be answered by yes or no because there are no absolute certainty with the answer/s. If a being called god does exist only it can prove itself not humans. If a god does appear then the only condition that would prove it is if all humans agree it is a god. Even one disagreeing human is enough to invalidate that the creature that appeared is a god. So repeating: the burden of proof is with the god being and not humans. On a side note, if a being does convince humans that it is a god then humans must ask why it allows horrors and pain to happen to humans. The holocaust, rape of children, daily 30,000 die of starvation, thousands daily cancer deaths and it does not appear. World War 1, World War 2, the black death ... etc. . Humans can only conclude it is not a good or loving being but at best does not care. If it does not care then why would even show itself to humans? Better concentrate on making the best of life for we don’t know anything outside of human reality. We sleep everyday but people die in their sleep too! Don’t mean to scare you but human life is the only life that is proven. Human reality good or bad is the only reality.

Even if this “being” were to convince all of humankind that it’s a god, that doesn’t make it true. Belief in something does not equal truth. Sometimes they coexist, but one is not dependent upon the other in order to exist.

@Leeshi I like what you just said - that BELIEF DOES NOT = TRUTH! I like that a lot and hope that
you don't mind if I quote you often! 🙂))

@FUNandFAITHFUL Go for it!


Let me answer by questioning whether you are 100% certain that Jimmy Fallen didn't create the universe as a prop for comedy. That is no more ludicrous than the Abrahamic myths.

Hmmmm, it seems you have found the one thing that I am 100% certain of. That Jimmy Fallon, he’s such a funny guy!

I have always thought George Burns was a funny gawd ....say good night Gracie


Ohferpetessake...had any prayers answered lately, have ya?

I always say nothing fails like prayer. If not, every Sunday football game, or for that matter every sport, would end in a tie. Every war would stop because no one died, and we would not need modern medicine, because everyone could be cured by prayer. SMH 🙄

@AnneWimsey I don’t pray, so, no, I have not.

@Barnie2years exactly!

@Barnie2years, no, actually, I am absolutely certain prayer does absolutely nothing because there is no one/thing listening.

@Mb_Man ROFLMAO! Dumbest conclusion on here this week, easily......


There used to be thought that there was a substance called the ether. This was what light was believed to travel through in the vacuum of space. Later on, we found out that light has a very small amount of mass and the ether was no longer needed to explain how light travels. Suddenly poof, no either wanted on the journey. It does not exist anymore. Why? because there is no evidence of it and it serves no purpose. Just like Thor or Poseidon, no one will be arguing for its existence. Why then argue for any other god/gods, even their possibilities?

I’m not arguing for the existence of a god. I don’t believe that there is a god. I’m just wondering how anyone could be 100% certain. After reading other comments here, I think the problem might be that I’m seeing 100% as being unflappable, whereas others might see it as that they don’t see any evidence of a god, but if compelling evidence were to present itself, they would reconsider. I fall into the latter, btw.

@Leeshi What kind of evidence? If we discount the bible then there is none. If I put litmus paper in a liquid and it does not change colour, then I can with 100% certainty that it is not acidic. If I look back through history and see no evidence of a god? When I see people who pray do really terrible things like 9/11 or abusing priests and god cannot or will not answer their prayers with "Stop". Then that is a good enough litmus test for me.

@273kelvin I haven’t seen any compelling evidence, which is why I am still a non-believer. The kind of evidence required to change my mind would have to be extremely compelling, verifiable, and hold up under scrutiny.

@Leeshi Yes, if I was confronted with Thor complete with hammer in hand or if Posidon came out of the river Mersey? Then, of course, I would believe but seeing as the likelihood of that happening is less than me winning the lottery every week for a year. Then I won't waste any good drinking time wondering about the possibilities.


I tell you why I am so sure there is no god! When I was just born in a religious based hospital, I got circumcised too early, I stopped breathing, turned blue, had my first near death experience, and had to have tubes shoved in my throat to breathe and eat for two weeks, I have had health problems ever since.

Luckily I was a bright child and I learned to read before kindergarten, back then my family was very religious and strict, I had a Aunt who was a Nun, I was the star pupil of my religious instruction classes, I tried many times to find my families faith, but a lot of what I came to know of my parents faith disturbed me greatly as it came off as fairy tales sprinkled with patriarchal sexist nonsense. I was Enby and Intersex so to my mind that would not do!

I had vacationed overseas in Europe as an adult, I came back from one trip sick and went right into a coma in the baggage claim at JFK airport. I was rushed to the hospital, just as I was flat-lining and I was in a coma for a month. I had a few near-death experiences in that month but the one that stuck out to me was an after-life experience, where there was no "bright light" and it was unlike most one's that I have ever read about.

I was looking down at my body and some guy tapped me on the shoulder, he took me to the roof of the hospital where it was raining, but there was a glass bus shelter, so I was told to wait with a bunch of other people, I waited so long I grew a beard, and my bus never came.

Now I figured out later that the scenario from the previous paragraph was probably induced by the morphine I was given for a spinal tap, but if for one second that scenario is truly the afterlife we are promised, what gives? How does any of that square with an all-knowing, ever-present deity of love and perfection, who looks out for his flock? It doesn't.


If some scientist came up with proof we were seeded here by some alien culture, l wouldn't be shocked. I also would not consider them Gods. l would see them as scientists conducting an experiment that went terribly wrong somewhere in the process.

A fair point. You are leaving yourself open to the possibility that there are things you don’t yet know.

@Leeshi Oh yes. We know so little about the Universe. I'm more of an Agnostic the way the purists here look at, but l really don't care about that.


Leeshi... A comment on your statement about certainty... Can we be certain that the sun will rise tomorrow? This "there is always a possibility" is a cop-out. Evidence? There can be no evidence because the supernatural is created by humans. Evidence of God? How about evidence of resurrection and an eternal soul. I heard Neil deGrasse Tyson say that he would be agnostic because there is still a chance! I wonder if he has any doubts about his resurrection? GROG

GROG Level 6 July 26, 2019

you have found The Pearl, a very rare thing i guess
he who says he knows, does not
manna is what is it? and completely misinterpreted, almost always.
we're sick of this manna, give us some meat!
lol. Its all in There i guess, just in code

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