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MoralTerraEvolutionFirst is a Necessity.

( Article published also at [] and [] )
Motto: “CoTerriennes, CoTerriens, comprenons bien:
La TerraEvolution Morale D'abord est une Nécessité.
L'HumanoDivinité unie doit coprotéger la TerraFamille.
Apprenons à protéger avant de produire.
Assurons la TerraPaix pour Notre Vie limitée, en Dignité.”

"CoTerrians, let us understand well:
Moral TerraEvolution First is a Necessity.
The United HumanoDivinity must co-protect the TerraFamily.
Let us learn to protect before producing.
Let us assure TerraPeace for Our limited Life, in Dignity."

Observation: Finite TerraYears pass, Terrians are supposed to evolve in Terrawisdom. We need to support #moralterraevolutionfirst. I have researched on TerraProtectivity lately, and found that the anthropic sciarts, including computer scitech, have become too toxic for our Terra-Family, so the HumanoDivines (=Humans, Homines Sapientes Dei) have to reduce and stop Terrian abuses, with ecosociable solutions. “CoTerraProtection” makes more sense than “Fight”, “Flight” or “Freeze”, as a terrasurvival strategy, especially for the most evolved Terrians, the HumanoDivines. Coterrity obliges. Let us support Peace and Unity for Terra-Protectivity! Let us stop the Mafiotic-Industrialist-Military Abuse (MIMA) against Terra-Family-Ship!

In study: []
Pantheism makes TerraPeace.
What if we listen better to Epicurus and Spinoza? Epicurus has stated about the (anthropomorphic) Gods,in his Letter to Menoikos:
"For truly there are gods, and knowledge of them is evident; but they are not such as the multitude believe, seeing that people do not steadfastly maintain the notions they form respecting them. Not the person who denies the gods worshipped by the multitude, but he who affirms of the gods what the multitude believes about them is truly impious. For the utterances of the multitude about the gods are not true preconceptions but false assumptions (...)".( )

(For the Greek original: [] )

Spinoza has completed the table of Gods, including also the Natural Elements in the (Terrian) Divine Family: "God or Nature" / "Deus sive Natura" . ( ) According to his Ethics (1677), Pars IV, the first part of Proposition 4: "It is not possible, so that man not to be a part of Nature (...)" / "Fieri non potest, ut homo non sit Naturae pars (...)"( , [] )
If we agree that all Terrians are Gods (=superior Beings), and that they form the Terrian Family (in limited Evolution), then the possibilities of a moral Evolution, consciously assuming the protection of the whole Terrian Family, improve to a certain degree. The finite Terrian Time has to be protective. That is why we need especially all the HumanoDivinity to dedicate Itself to TerraProtectivity as a global priority.

#moralterraevolutionfirst #moralevolutionfirst #allterriansaregods #terrafamilyisdivine #divinemeanssuperior #homosapiensdeus #pantheismmakesterrapeace #allhumanodivinityforterraprotectivity #sciartsforterralife #evolution #philosophy #politics #sociology #ecology #economics #management #leadership #profit #gratuity #pangratuity #pantheismpanarchypangratuity #pantheismmakespeace #panarchymotivates #pangratuitysavesresources #protectivitybeforeproductivity #terra #earth

tipi 7 July 23

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what a load of....


I’m okay with Epicurus and certainly Spinoza. Your other terms require some clarification please as I am not aware of the meaning of such terms as ‘terrian’ ‘humanodivinity’ and ‘terrian time’.

I can have a stab at what you’re saying but please treat me as though I were five years old and need it spelled out in ABC terms. You may have something important to say but at the moment it is shrouded in jargon.


It's the old argument if things evolve into better things, surely there those things that are so good they are like gods if not gods themselves.

Surely not because there's too much messed up things.


Say wha.... Whatcha tawkin bout, Willis?


There is the rub, Terrians are not superior to anything.


Are you speaking in tongues 😉

Varn Level 8 July 23, 2019
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