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Rep. Jaoquin Castro (D-TX) published in a tweet late Monday 44 names. They were all constituents of his with one catch: they had ALSO donated the maximum amount allowed to Trump. Republicans, as one might expect, are NOT happy about this, with some saying he (Castro) has put a target on these folks and that what he done is tantamount to published a "hit list". I totally understand Castro's doing this and share in his ire with these donors. But I also think that making this info available in one handy-dandy convenient place is imprudent at best and dangerous at worst. People these days are sometimes looking for this info with malicious intent.

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BookDeath 8 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Good for him


I appreciate this info as I know who to boycott.


Public info! And should be exposed!


Every single dollar that goes to a politician needs to be publically disclosed. They are supposedly working for us, right? Shouldn't we know where the money they use to promote themselves to the electorate comes from?

1of5 Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

This is dangerous in this day and age. But not illegal? And if they donate they should not be ashamed of it.

That’s right!

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