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Just a hypothetical question.

A great and powerful Outsider will grant you one of the following as a reward for freeing him. The conditions of each reward are unable to be negotiated but you are permitted to ask clarifying questions.

  1. A labyrinthine extradimensional library filled with innumerable books becomes your home and your world. It's impossible to say for sure whether or not the seemingly infinite halls and levels of this ancient place truly go on forever, but no one has ever discovered their end. A veritable army of unseen archivists and librarians tend the shelves and books, quietly going about their work. They never bother you, but they're always willing to point you in the right direction if you stop to ask. Every written work that has ever, or will ever, exist can be found here, if you are willing to search. Your residence within the library is comfortable and quiet, and there's always fresh food and drink. Simple but tasty. The library seems to have its own day/night cycle, but there are no windows or outdoor places to be found. You'll be here forever, free to enjoy the endless knowledge this place holds. Hopefully you don't mind that you'll never have anyone to share it with.
  2. An unbreakable sphere of invisible force permanently surrounds you, making you invulnerable to all potential harm or negative effects, magical and otherwise. It nourishes you, keeping you eternally healthy and young. You can fly at great speeds, even through the void of space, crossing from one solar body to another in a matter of days. You can go anywhere within the material realm, explore and spectate the infinite marvels of the universe for all eternity. But no one can see you, or communicate with you, you cannot physically interact with the world outside your bubble in any way, simply passing through matter as if it weren't really there. The beauty and splendors of the physical universe will be yours alone to enjoy forever.
    Perhaps you aren't built for solitude and would like to go on with your life and your relationships...
  3. The Outsider can grant you the ability to step into the Mirror Dimension by passing through any silver glass mirror. From within this place you can travel to the location of any mirror and peer out into the real world through it, unseen by those on the other side. This realization may concern you, and reasonably so. You realize that throughout your entire life, every time you were near a mirror, someone could have been watching you. The Mirror Dimension is a twisted and strange place, made of warped reflections of people and places from across the Earth and throughout its history. The locals are fey and alien in their thoughts and speech, though they appear mostly human. They're not malevolent, but do not dismiss them as harmless. Aside from the convenient ability to travel the world through mirrors and spy on anyone, the Mirror Dimension holds many bizarre mysteries of its own, waiting to be explored. Your body will not age while you are here, but it will age normally in the material world.
  4. A towering fortress, a citadel of might, an indomitable bastion. This can be your home if you wish. Place it anywhere in the world. On the ocean floor, a mountain top, a jungle, a valley, in the center of the largest city on Earth. No one may enter without your word, no army or weapon may breach the walls or slip its defenses. The castle is enormous and ancient, but it is largely barren. It comes staffed with a few old servants and a small garrison of iron golems. It's not much, but who knows what you might accomplish with the right attitude and skillful planning. Someday this place could be an opulent palace, overflowing with riches, housing the world's greatest army. If you feel up to the challenge of making it so. Or maybe you just want a place to feel safe. If you invite guests into your home and they overstay their welcome, you can banish them outside with a thought. Your fortress is your own, after all. As long as you're within these walls you will not age, and no one can ever hurt you. When you are away, you are vulnerable to death, injury, disease, aging and all the other challenges of mortality... will you ever go outside, or will fear make this place your prison? The fortress can be moved to a new location anywhere in the world, once per year.
  5. If you'd prefer none of these, the Outsider will promise to save your life once. This may not be anything as dramatic as diving in front of a bullet or pulling you off the street before you're run over. He might just appear one morning and tell you to take 16th street instead of 35th, considering his promise fulfilled and his debt repaid.

What would you choose?

ErichZannIII 7 Aug 22

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Initially , each option has it's own attractions . (1) I have a computer , so basically , I already have an endless library , that others take care of , without bothering me , and it's very happy to help me when I can't find something . (2) I'm basically an introvert , so my connections with others is limited to start with , and again I have a computer , so can easily travel virtually anywhere . While it said it would ," keep (me) young and healthy ," it did not say it would cure me of health problems I already have , or make my younger than I already am . (3) I already see more of the things people do that I find hateful , without sneaking in to spy on them , unless I can in some manner end the evil they do . (4) The fortress , or in my case castle ,with a library sounds tempting , but essentially , I already have that . People don't come in , unless I let them . (5) My intuition , has already saved me multiple times , when I could have been hurt or killed . Generally speaking , I don't spend time in places that tend to be dangerous , although there are exceptions , when some of these nitwits go on shooting rampages . For instance , a recent shooting was in a Walmart's , but luckily for me , it wasn't one I shop at . So aside from actually being cured of the uncureable diseases and aging I am plagued with , in my own ways , I pretty much have what you're offering .


Think I'd rather just free the "Outsider" for nothing, and see if it would like
to have some beers and conversation. Otherwise, it can just go on it's way.

I'm not a fan of any of the options. They all have tremendous drawbacks,
which might not be immediately obvious. The law of Unintended Consequences is
always a consideration. At least, for me.

Schmooze the guy who can make your dreams come true and get him drunk. I see your plan.

The Monkey's Paw comes to mind.

@Beowulfsfriend Hadn't thought of that, but makes sense. I just stay focused on the Law of Unintended Consequences. Most people just don't try to reason things out to their most logical conclusions. If they did, they wouldn't do most of the stupid shit they do. Far too much of all that, "Well, I never thought THAT would happen."


I would rather have a great woman, a great relationship with that woman, and some great weed. Yep, that would do it.


Very interesting... #1 would be wonderful to me because I love to read. #2 would be awesome because I could see the universe, even see into a black hole. #4 would be cool if you didn't have to wait a year before you could move.


Can't I just have three wishes like in normal stories? All I want is to go back to the year 2000 and set everything right.


I have to choose just one of these?!?!

This is too hard I can't decide


Option 1 This reminds me of The Shining -- a beautiful, spacious prison. Like The Shining, I could see myself going on a murderous rampage after too many years of loneliness and isolation probably butchering the library staff for refusing to simply talk with me. Hard Pass

Option 2 This is very similar to an idea I've had for years for an afterlife concept I think I'd enjoy if an afterlife were real. Unencumbered by the restrictions of a physical body, my "soul" would travel the cosmos unaffected by the airless vacuum of space. I've always liked the idea so this one has some appeal. Definite Maybe

Option 3 The Mirror Dimension is an interesting idea but, ultimately, it too, seems more like a prison. It's just a prison where you could watch women get changed and see people do embarrassing stuff. Hard Pass

Option 4 Sounds good. Nice living space, free to go outside at your own risk, different location every year to keep things from getting stale. I don't need an army so ef that. I like this one. Definite Maybe

Option 5 This one is objectively useful if unexciting. Soft Maybe

I'll take Option 4. I don't get to see the wonders of the universe but I'm not imprisoned either. If I get hit by a bus when I go out, oh well. I take that same risk already and haven't gotten killed yet.

Interesting thought experiment. 👍


4- immortality, but you can interact with people and things.

2- if you could interact.

Well done sir.


You have quite the imagination! So were drugs involved here? I'll take option 5.


Number 2, for a child I longed to fly.....


I wouldn't free the wizard in the first place. It seems like someone far more powerful imprisoned him, probably for fucking with the natural world (as per options 1–5), and then I'd make myself a target. No thanks.

If, however, I paid someone a kindness (e.g., carried an old woman back and forth across a stream) and was offered these reward options, I'd pick #4 without question. I wouldn't be a fearful prisoner — that's silly — but by merely sleeping there every night I'd automatically add 33% to my remaining days, which isn't bad. I'd also have the benefit of being able to visit anywhere in the world (including places nobody has ever been), which isn't bad. I can still go out and I can invite people in, which isn't bad. Eventually, when life had given me all the experiences I care to have, I'd spend more time outside the citadel and either allow myself to grow old and die or take matters into my own hands.


4 or 5 I think. I am an introvert but I do need a bit of human interaction.


One and three have many appeals! My friends think I already have the library and the not aging anymore has an appeal if I could get healthy. Interesting thought game.

BillF Level 7 Aug 22, 2019

4 sounds dope


In the fortress, we can invite anyone, partners or pets, to stay indefinitely or come and go correct? Are there any outdoor porches, gardens or plazas that are also protected or are you vulnerable and aging as soon as you step outdoors? And is it possible to camouflage the fortress or build it to blend in with the type of structures expected in the area you’ve moved it to? If not and I’m constantly going to be an ostentatious target of envy then it probably will become a prison, so I’ll make like Brubeck and take 5. If companions and camo are possible, I’ll take the fortress.



I don’t like any of the options
I prefer my life how it is
And I except my future as it is


I will take option 1 because no one else did and you spent a lot of time and effort input'ing to not get any feedback. So I pick 1.

I would be tempted by one for sure, but the fact that there's no windows bug me... It's already too dark in the basement where I live. In fact, I'm always lonely and I'd choose an option that would allow me to convince quality people to be my friends. But there's not such an option... So.


3 or 4. Option 3 sounds like a fascinating adventure with the option of just leaving when you're had enough and without the loneliness of options 1 and 2. Option 4 sounds great, and you wouldn't have to mess with the potentially bad mirror-spying. But then you wouldn't get to see as many new and interesting things. Maybe if you chose to put your fortress in the sea....


None of the rewards sound good, unless my girlfriend can be with me. Then I would choose number one.


five. there are appealing elements to some of the others but not appealing enough to make the isolation worthwhile.


I can tell : isolation is a burden.
But there's no one around who has similar interest. And small talk over 30 minutes isn't an option for me... So...back to isolation. 😉

there is the internet.



I'd pick the last one. Seems like your life would be a lot like it always was, and you get one free pass. The other options have too many constraints for my taste. You spent some time on this, didn't you?

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