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Do you say the pledge of allegiance, when called to do so in a public setting? If so, do you include the words "...under god?" If not, do you stand or do you remain seated if you are already seated? I myself stand and pledge my allegiance because I want folks to know that I--a liberal, agnostic, Democrat--am invested in making this country as good as it can be, but I don't say "under God."

GarytheGondolier 6 Aug 24

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94 comments (76 - 94)

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I stand with my hand on my heart but do not pledge out loud. For awhile I just left out the under god part but I thought that looked wise in front of students.

I'm retired now, but as a teacher, I had the same dilemma.


"I pledge allegiance to the people of the United States of America, and to the principals for which they stand; one nation of inclusivity, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

I grew up punk and my patriotism had never been blind. My allegiance had always been, not to the cloth, but to all of those who espouse themselves to true equality and inclusivity. Liberty and justice for all or GTFO.


It really depends on the situation, if I am in the crowd, I stand,and say nothing, if I am on the dais then I will perform as expected.


I stand and place my right hand over my heart, but I don't recite the pledge. Unlike Trump who doesn't even know the words to the pledge or the star spangled banner, I know the words to both.


I do what ever it takes to avoid controversy. I will say god . There are more important things in life than stating a meaningless word . Who the heck cares ,not me

fedup Level 6 Aug 27, 2019

My allegiances have ALWAYS been to my family, my friends, my country and to my fellow members of the Human Race first and foremost.
I owe NO allegiance to either an Imaginary God/Gods/Deity/Deities nor any person/persons who seeks to place them self/selves OR country above any other person or Human Being.


I say the whole Pledge of Allegiance.

Roley Level 5 Aug 25, 2019

Where do y'all hangout that you're being asked to stand for the pledge of allegiance? I don't think I've been asked to do that since grade school.

School Board Meetings.


Just say "under man"

never thought of that


Stand and leave out the god crap.


I rarely said it in public. When i was a believer I put hand over my heart and let them go . I plan do that as an Atheist. We are not in school any more.


I always stand (when able) for the pledge. However, I will NOT say "under god."


I do. It's customary. Doesn't hurt a bit.


I have not seen anyone except politicians and such say recite this in over 50 years. That being said, if I ever am in a place where it is being done I will peacefully sit by while others do it. It has over the past 40 years become meaningless.


I haven's said the Pledge of Allegiance since high school. At that time I would either leave out "under god" or just not say the pledge.

Out of curiosity, are there everyday or special events where adults say the Pledge of Allegiance? It seems like it's only in schools (12th grade and under) where it is recited regularly.

I am a member of a local Democratic club. We are asked at every meeting to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I believe it is important that people know that Democrats support our country--especially where I live, in Orange County, California. In the 2018 election here, we barely managed to squeak out a historical majority of Democratic voters.

@GarytheGondolier Oh ok. Thanks for the reply! 🙂 Yeah, political clubs or events makes sense as a place to say the pledge especially if you are trying to convey "patriotism" to others.


Yes I pledge and stand with hand over heart, but do not mouth the words "under god" for one, those word were not in it when I learned it and I am Not a Christian nor Democrat or Republican. I am a Freethinker?


It's been so long since I have recited it that I no longer know the words. If the venue where I am asks everyone to stand and say it, I stand quietly.

There is more to patriotism than reciting a pledge.


I stand and might sometimes (but not always) place my right hand on my heart area. I say no words at all and do not think this is a necessary thing to do. We did it in my school years and also when I was in the Army. Today I am beyond both of those. It does not mean I am a Communist to not say the pledge. A buddy took me to the Senior Center here locally once and they say the pledge and also pray over their food. Most likely I will not be going back.

It is my opinion that these people all think Trump would want you to do the pledge and to pray, and at the Senior Center you hear a lot of talk about "fake news." They have all drank to koolaid.

My local senior center is that way. I silently protest by remaining seated and drinking my coffee while they pledge and pray, in this case a moment of silence instead of a prayer. The know my intent and I know theirs, which is to force conformity and agreement. I am passively telling them they can shove it and they can't do anything to force me to conform to their rituals.

I only come there to get the free lunch, not to socialize. I make that clear by always sitting at a back table by myself. However if a brave soul who was not a conformist happened to ask to sit with me, I would probably give them a chance and talk to them some to see if they were different from the rest. Everybody there is at least a dozen years older than me, from what I can tell, so there's that too. They are all also country music fans, so I always dread that they might start playing CDs of country music during the meals, in which case I would have to give up the free lunches. I don't want to tip them off to that or they would probably start doing that to get rid of me.

@TomMcGiverin Right on. I remember a "moment of silence" when I was in school. My religious classmates claim to remember prayer in schools. This is the lie being put upon us and told often by preachers and ministers.

@DenoPenno Geez, you live in Missouri, right next to Iowa, so you know exactly the kind of folks I am talking about, small town hicks who are still living in the 50s, when they were teenagers. Which is not surprising since none of them left town or went to college.The funny thing is, my once small town that I now live in is presently a suburb of Des Moines with a rapidly growing pop. of 60K that is mostly a bedroom community of white collar types who work in Des Moines or West Des Moines in banking or insurance. In other words, the people at the senior center are poor and uneducated, while most of the town is yuppie Repub types.


I never say any of it.

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