When I moved into my house 6 years ago I had four opened bottles of hard liquors, and one unopened bottle of Peach Schnapps. I think I had been thinking of a Fuzzy Navel project. A few weeks ago my sister introduced me to Peach Cider which immediately I thought "this needs booze." I later bought the cider at Costco and after that got the untouched booze out of the top shelf of the pantry. The cork in the brandy bottle disintegrated when I tried to pull it out. I now have only 4 opened bottles of booze, (the Southern Comfort was good with the cider, one application left in that bottle) and tonight I have indulged a bit in the interest of diminishing the supply and better utilizing space in the pantry. I can no longer feel my cheekbones. I think it may be time to retire, and I think I ought to sleep well. Sleep is elusive at the best of times, but I think I might more pass out than sleep tonight. Thank you for indulging me.
The "recipe", please? Sounds delicious, I love anything peach-y!
Fuzzy Navel is Peach Schnapps and Orange juice. Last night I was just adding the Schnapps, brandy, or spiced rum to the Peach Cider. I have such low tolerance for booze it doesn't take much to render me unable to drive, or walk, or be coherent.
@HippieChick58 when I was exposed to alot of liquor, as a bartender/cocktail waitress, I could literally drink anybody under the table. Now, one drink & about halfway through, my nose goes numb! I hear ya!
You will probably sleep but unfortunately alcohol induced sleep is not particularly satisfying. Hope your hangover isn't too bad.
No hangover. My secret is to be very well hydrated. I love water! I can't think of the last time I had a hangover.
"Sleep" well.
I did sleep pretty well, just woke up earlier than I would have wanted, but bladders do that sometimes.
@HippieChick58 Yeah, mine gets me up between 1 & 3 times....I hate it as my sleep difficulty has been a lifelong issue. When I am getting some sleep, I absolutely despise the bladder making me get up.