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‪Despicable. Trump's offering to place our military assets under the command of a foreign country—Saudi Arabia—is a disgrace and betrayal of my patriotic brothers and sisters in uniform and to our Constitution. MORE EVIDENCE TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!‬

Charliesey 7 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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You are correct. The Sunnis of Saudi Arabia are enticing Trump to have the USA destroy their Shite enemy Iran.


Gee, isn't there something in the Constitution about this?

Probably not, Anne.
During the 1950-1953 Korean War, American destroyer divisions, one of which included the destroyer I was aboard, were briefly placed under the command of Dutch or English officers serving aboard their nations' cruiser-class ships.
That war however was a United Nations effort, not at all like what Trump has in mind, if he has a functioning mind.

@yvilletom I do believe we have contributed forces to NATO "peacekeeping forces" many times.....this is, as you point out, NOT that kind of thing! The perversion of our country continues apace......

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