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I had an eventful day.

My beloved cat died a few months ago. I've just started to look for a new cat via rescues.
I was told of kittens. I took my 7 month old and we had the time of our lives.

On the way home, I decided to take the long way so that the baby could nap.

I am glad that I did.

There was a motorcyclist down. He had just wrecked his bike. The look in his eyes was frantic and pained.

I helped him up. We got his bike off the road. I offered my phone. He had one of his own. I stayed with him until he could breathe again. All the while offering further aid. He kept rejecting it.

An older gentleman came to sit with the motorcyclist until either he felt well enough to drive or displayed signs that required further assistance.

I drove off with a still sleeping infant and a sense of unease about the man's wellbeing.

I hope he is okay.

I also want a kitten or two.

Donotbelieve 9 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Good luck on your search for a cat.

Kudos for stopping, but IMO you really should have called 911. The very last person to determine if they are ok is an accident victim at the scene (so much happens in a crash that you don't notice, and it's so easy to get internal damadge in a bike wreck). If the bike was damadged there's a decent chance it's not safe to drive anymore, which could lead to another, worse accident.

Hope he's ok too.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 21, 2019

That is a VERY eventful day. That was very kind of you to stop. Going down on a bike is pretty scary. You stopping to check must've made him feel better for sure even if he was still shocked.

And you're getting two kitties! How cool is that?


Wow! What a day. The pain of loss, the adrenaline of helping someone in need, the pure joy of meeting your new kitten...damn. You'll probably sleep well tonight


Good lass. Played strong. You definitly deserve a kitten.


For someone who is supposed to be without morals, stopping and paying heed to those in distress really was an amazing thing you did @donotbelieve.

A wonderful story.


Awwww you helped 2 lives in one day!

@Donotbelieve YAAAAYY!!! A kitten needs a buddy!


You were so kind to stop and help him. He may have been in a bit of shock so I to hope he will be alright. Sad that you lost your beloved cat, as I know they really do become so precious to us. The kitten's picture is precious. I vote get at least two of them.

@Donotbelieve oh my goodness that makes me so happy. Your home will have baby love and kitten love. Can't wait for the pic.🤗


As a motorcyclist myself I would like to say thank you for stopping and caring. Having gone down a few times myself in my younger days, I know it’s terribly embarrassing, especially if your not seriously hurt (I luckily never was). But having someone (a pretty woman even more) stop to check up on you and offer help would certainly help those feelings calm down. You are a sweetie! 👍😍


I feel for you. My cat of 17 years died in April. I was distraught for weeks 😭but I started visiting the local animal shelter to play with the kittens. I adopted two sisters a couple of weeks ago. I am still sad and missing my cat but these two are a precious distraction.😍


You are a lovely human and friend!💓💓💓💓

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