Snopes has tried to say this did not happen but there is plenty of video showing Trump slurring Mattarella in Motterella and Motzerella but by the third day had managed to get it right.
He did however claim to have said that the two countries shared a political and cultural heritage dating back millennia, which even if he did mean this and not an alliance (which he did) this too is completely wrong, since Italy has a sordid history of dictatorial monarchies, fascism and communism, just like the USA?
Poor woman......or, indeed, poor anybody trying to make sense of Shitferbrains.
When Trump speeches are divisive and hateful he sounds like a five year old coherently misbehaving. When Trump attempts to put restraints on his vile side and discuss something diplomatically his ability to communicate devolves into incoherent nonsense.
Me and Donald obviously went into different rooms when we were studying Classical Rome.