I was wondering about revenge porn... does it have to be malicious? Can it be done unintentionally? For example, if a woman/women send(s) a guy nudes, and these images are not publically available nor is the person a sex worker, if the guy shares those nudes on facebook or on the agnostic forum, would that count as a type of "revenge porn"? Since the guy did not get consent to share the image(s)? I have been wondering about this ever since I saw a member sharing nudes women sent him in one of agnostic's groups. Thoughts?
If the receiver of the nude pics doesn’t get express permission to share said pics, then he/she is a violator of the others rights.
So, way back in this thread I posted essentially, that any pix of anything, once on the 'net, are there forever & in nobody's control, and could destroy your life 20 years later. And good luck on prosecuting the poster, because " my phone got stolen" or whatever......So, don't do it. Period. I got 2 replies saying I was "victim blaming". And attacking women. Sorry, stupid is stupid. And the same could happen to a man, like, oh, I dunno, a Supreme Court nominee....., or the husband of an aide to a Presidential candidate?
"Revenge Porn" generally has a malicious component to it, a deliberate intent to cause harm and duress to the victim. That said, just because you do not intend harm in your actions, does not mean you do not cause harm with them. Nor does it exempt you from the consequences of hurting someone.
It does not matter what the persons intentions are, if they recieved nudes, and did not get permission to share those nudes, then it is a violation of consent to share them with anyone. Period.
When receiving nudes one should always assume that they are for you and you alone, unless it has been made clear by the sender that some degree of sharing is allowed. And if that is the case you only share within the exact parameters the sender has layed out. Anything less is an unacceptable betrayal of their trust.
That sounds like a very good thing.... yet people in this forum seemed to not realize that when a guy was sharing nude selfies women sent him... I do wonder if they all explicitly said yeaa sure! share our pic in your porn swap group on agnostic.com.
@demifeministgal what group did this happen in?
"I got hacked", "I lost my phone"..... you think you can Prove who sent the pix? And punish them if there is a shadow of doubt?
@JeremyTaylor I'd rather not say as it is not the group's fault that that happened... the blame lies with the member.
I came across this post online and it seems something to ponder... there may just be a generational divide and this is an issue millenials and post-millenials will have to navigate that Boomers and Gen X'ers never did. >.>
@K9Kohle789 The ones I have seen posted on the site, the women were doing seductive or erotic posts and so I guess the face added to the effect or something... I really don't know.... I've never taken a nude but in the distant past have done online video chat with a bf and went topless in the video... you couldn't see my face though.... but if someone were to ever get a hold of that video and try to ruin my career prospects for an intimate moment with a partner it would seem cruel and vindictive.
@K9Kohle789 Guys ask for em and some guys will pressure women to send em... not everyone has the best boundaries especially when young(er). I never sent any but I know guys got aggressive with me and name called or stated there is something wrong with me for not sending any... the entitlement was disgusting and a huge red flag.... glad I never ended up meeting those fckers for a date (I talk for some weeks or longer before meeting a stranger for a date).
I'm not sure how you could unintentionally post nudes.
What I meant was As in the guy had no desire to ruin the career or reputation of the woman/en in question, he just wanted to share nudes with others that appreciate nudes.
@demifeministgal I guess you could view it that way, but the poster would have to be really ignorant of the internet and reality.
@JimG The guy that posted or the nude pic taker?
@demifeministgal The poster. I would assume that the person who took the pic did so with some expectation of discretion on the part of its recipient.
@JimG okay thanks for clarifying
The main reason why I refuse to send inappropriate pictures to anyone. Once they're out of your possession, anyone can see them.
I don't consider that to be revenge porn, however I do consider that to be out of line. The pictures were sent to that persona and that person only. They weren't meant to be shared, and I'm willing to bet if the original owner (the one who sent the pics) were asked, they would say "NO" to the sharing.
Sending nudes is as dumb as it gets....someday you could be in line for a nice promotion, teaching, running for office, spokesperson for a cause, etc etc etc, even 20 years from now, Aaaannndd up they pop! And good luck tracing the "gulity" party....that would be You!
This is victim blaming in my opinion. Right to consent does not „expire.“
There is no way the victim is at fault for the actions of another
This is victim blaming I agree... it reminds me of those people that would say if you just drank less or dressed differently you would not get raped.... the point is MEN send nudes out all the time, otherwise dck pics wouldn't be so widely discussed and reviled... yet their careers are not ruined.... so how come the advice given to women is not the same given to impulsive men??
@demifeministgal ummmm, yes their careers can be ruined, as well. Stupid is genderless!
IMHO if you don't have the persons permission don't post 'em.
They would throw the book at him in court sharing nudes without permission is not allowed at all I'm surprised he's allowed to post them on this site
I have seen & heard nothing , ever, being done because, "my phone got hacked " or "I lost my phone"....hard to prove & so no convictions/fines possible if there is a smidgen of doubt.
Just do not take pix of yourself (even wearing a funny hat!) That you do not want to see 20 years later when you are up for a federal judgeship, duuuuh......
@AnneWimsey there's been lots of convictions in the UK some high profile . Plus the guy who set up the site that started it all got about 20 years in prison for if
@Simon1 suspended......
@AnneWimsey suspended???
@Simon1 some lawyer gets a jury to convict, but the sentence /fine gets suspended as cooler heads prevail...happens All the time!
I think this was the best informative, non-judgemental reply tbh: "It not revenge porn but it is unethical and illegal in many states to share personally given pics without consent. This behavior should never be tolerated on any website.
Revenge porn is any nude or sexually explicit pic posted or shared in order to embarrass or harm someones reputation or harmfully affect their work/career or lives in general."
No nude photos of me have ever been successfully developed, assuming you don't count the video of my last colonoscopy. You'd have to pay somebody, probably quite a bit, to deliberately look at photos of my naked ass. However, if someone shares an intimate photo of you without your consent, no matter where, that's wrong. If someone does that with an intimate photo of me, I won't be the only one complaining, you can count on that. This is really a very lazy form of revenge, jesus be creative.
But that wouldn't be revenge nudes? Would it? I would call it consensual nudes.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "revenge porn." Revenge for what? I can tell you one thing however. River Rick covered this subject fully in his reply. This is just how it is. I quote again:
I am not sure of the criminality of what you describe but everyone MUST start thinking... When a picture leaves your phone or PC... The world owns it and you no longer have control. That's just a fact!
Sharing nudes of someone demonstrates a breach of trust and a lack of respect for them, even if it's done without malice of forethought.
Irrespective of whether or not at that moment the other person cares if you share them, you are playing with that person's future. They may come to have second thoughts about this some time down the line.
It is always best to err on the side of caution in these matters and not to share anything which has the potential of negatively impacting the lives of others. Sometimes, you must be the adult in the room and to judge what is in the best interest of fools.
There are no federal laws preventing someone sharing an intimate photo of someone online. This means that if someone shares a picture with anyone else, they can do what they want with it. If you lack the courtesy to respect someone else, that's just rude. You wouldn't hand out nudes of your lover to your coworkers, why would you share them online?
Since I've been accused of "victim blaming", I'll own that.
I absolutely blame whomever has nude pics on their phones or computers,
or sends nude pics for being stupid (yes, I said stupid), and not being prepared for the very real possibility of those pics being shared, whether it's intentionally or otherwise.
Trusting anyone with nude pics of yourself is foolish, regardless of
what you think the relationship is.
It's called the "Law of Unintended Consequences".
People need to consider the worst thing that could possibly happen BEFORE
they put themselves in a position to be taken advantage of.
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be legal consequences for anyone
who shares pics without the consent of the subject.
However, lost and stolen phones, hacked accounts, and people being
straight-up assholes, should be taken into consideration at all times.
If you're going to take nude pics of yourself, you ought to be prepared
for the possibility of things you didn't intend happening.
This is the world we live in, and the technology we use makes it more
likely to happen.
Using the excuse of "having a bit of fun" means nothing. Take the pics,
take the risk. Trust no one.
It is NOT the same thing as owning a car and expecting to have it stolen, or
being female and expecting to be raped.
Both are an attempt to conflate and are specious "arguments", at best.
I realize that I'm probably going to piss off some people with my position on
this, but I am tired of hearing people whine when their own actions come
back to bite them.
If you're sending nude photos to anyone you should not be surprised if they are circulated around.They are out of your control. I work with teens and this is what I tell them. There are laws to try to get some compensation but if ultimately you don't want others to see them you should not send them to another person. I must be old as I think being nude for someone should be done in the presence of that individual. If you are modeling nude that's different as you should be compensated for the photos and have been paid for the circulation..