20 51

Sondland has thrown ALL of them right under the bus.
From 45, to Pence, to Rudy, to the State Dept., and the guys who testified yesterday.

Yesterday, I told someone that this is exactly what was going to happen with this guy.
He's already wealthy, doesn't really need 45, and is not about to go down for him.

I am absolutely loving this shit!!!!!

KKGator 9 Nov 20

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Lol. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣


There's one aspect of this which I haven't heard mentioned very much, but now we have a lot of testimony to confirm it: Trump directed a private citizen to carry out tasks directly with a foreign power on behalf of the United States government, which I thought was illegal, i.e. only a duly appointed official of the US government can carry out such activities. As Trump's personal attorney, there's actually no way he could even be duly appointed, I don't think. It would be a conflict of interest.

Excellent catch!!!!

You are exactly correct.

@KKGator Which further begs the question: why? Why not just have the actually duly-appointed officers to carry it out? Why not make Giuliani a duly-appointed officer if Trump really wanted him to be the lead on it? Why put a private citizen in charge, when doing so was totally unnecessary?

@bingst There is so much of 45 does that is "unnecessary".
This is just one more example.
Rudy had no business being involved.
This was another 45 scam.

@bingst Just heard someone make an excellent point. 45 wanted Zelensky to make the announcement of investigations. He didn't really care if they actually happened, he just wanted the announcement.

@KKGator I heard that same thing and all I could think was 'this proves he just wanted to tamper with the election by getting perceived dirt on his challenger'.

@Heidi68 Exactly.

@bingst because what 45 needed done wasn't legal. None of the real govt employees would touch it.


Me Too @KKGator. Why all the Rethuglicans left the hearing.


Had to listen to it on radio as I was helping with my sons move into his new house. Today is the day some repub Senators may decide to take a walk to the White House to ask trump to resign. This was more than I expected. WOW!!!

That "physical--phase 1" is starting to look more and more like an exit strategy.

And now that we know Pence knew about it, we can impeach his ass.

@KKGator yes! The more that is revealed the better and easier it will be for those repub Senators to grow some balls and tell trump and Pence that they are done.


I liked what I heard today.. The hearings are starting to pick up and gain strength... Trump is screwed...


The problem with all of this is the constant double speak. Let me give and example from my work as those that I work with know I am anti-Trump. They will start talking gun nonsense or something because they seem to want you to believe we have a right to own any type of gun. When they do that I talk a different type of gun nonsense, but it is nonsense just like they are talking. They see this and smile. They know and they smile.

This is the same thing that is going on with impeachment hearings. There is too much nonsense and people smile and say all of the illegal is actually legal and there was a perfectly good reason for doing it, if it was done, but I didn't see it done, hear it done, but I found out second hand, etc., etc. and they are only bringing these charges because they hate Trump and none of us should be here in the first place.

The bottom line is that if none of this sways Moscow Mitch and the Trump GOP it will never go anywhere in the Senate.We are dealing with people who could actually watch someone get shot on Fifth Avenue and then claim that they didn't see anything.

That's why we have to keep on them, with no let up. Keep calling them out on their bullshit and double-dealing.
Especially now.


You know all his well heeled and well connected friends are telling him "hey man, put some distance between you and trump - cause when he goes down, you don't want him pulling you down with him." You are absolutely 100% correct....this whole ambassadorship thing is just for shits and giggles - he doesn't want to be tarnished by any of it......remember there's a book out there titled "Everything Trump touches Dies". hahahahahaha


...but he's also saying Yes and No at the same time - presuming as he goes along...

He is.
So much doublespeak.
He is, however, sticking to the main point that the quid pro quo DID, in fact,
So far, the republicans aren't really even asking him much. They're just grandstanding and trying to get their talking points into the record.


They are fucked!

I'm hoping with no lube.


He is responding to them trying to throw Him under the bus! That snarky GOP attorney is Unbelievable I love it when weasels turn on each other!!!!!!!


hes trying not to tell the truth but they got him lol


Oh, the man is laughably unbelievable. Regardless of his alignment, Rep or Dem, he's way too smarmy for me to believe him.

No notes?? Doesn't recall?? Forgot???

OK, that position didn't help Ollie North in Iran Contra and it won't help Sondland now.

Give the man enough rope, plenty of rope...

if they say that is what happened I won't deny it

Sondland is swarmy, for sure, BUT, he's got a lot of firsthand knowledge, and he's corroborating a lot of what others have already said.

Whether you believe him or not is entirely up to you.

@KKGator - true, but controlling the narrative only works when the narrative is sound. Trafficking in bluster becomes obvious with time if we pay attention.

His smarminess is my personal distaste, I will admit, LOL!

@Sealybobo That's always been his MO.
He's not going to change.
The only way he'll ever stop that will be either prison, or death.
Personally, I prefer it were his death.


Someone does not want to go to jail like the other trump cronies

No guarantees though.


Sondaland JUST PROVED SCHIFF counsel a liar relabeling phone calls as "irregular channel"

12:03 EST


It's a good thing, with the solstice coming and all.πŸŽ‡


Party under that bus is getting very big ...


Nunes now defining the truth of BIDENs covered up Wednesday morning 11:24 EST with Sondaland

No, he's really not.
He's just making himself look even more foolish than usual.

Btw, Nunes conveniently has forgotten that it was the GOP that instigated the creation of the Steele dossier.
The democrats only picked it up AFTER the GOP ran out of money to continue it, and 45 had already won the nomination.

@KKGator that is the first I have heard BILLARY taking over a Rethug is that what Jeb Bush spent his millions on losing every poll since TrumpOLINI started running ?...McCain took a classified FISA court "hotel memo" to the floor of the SENATE....BILLARY paid for it in 2015

@KKGator I did not know that.


Nice to know at least one person isn't afraid of testifying against him .

I'm not sure if he's "not afraid", or not.


I'm looking forward to the days of dull government and all my entertainment drama coming from screen writers and authors, not the government.

Fuck this governing by reality TV bullshit.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 20, 2019

I'm 100% with you on that.

Yah.. let’s bring back the adults

@Varn pretty sure they're all dead.

@1of5 I hope not ..cuz I feel like one of them πŸ™‚


I was hoping Sondland would tell the truth, relate the facts be blunt as it were.
Now lets see what gop side does after the break

They are most definitely going to attack his credibility, which is pretty much ALL they have.
He's already shown he will lie and has lied, and they will go after that.

@KKGator he has brought evidence today

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