It's more than the lack of egg cups that piss us off. Have you seen the motherfucker that was elected president? Egg cups are not the problem.
I have a wonderful egg cooker that soft boils them or hard boils them or even makes an omelette. Not all Americans are in the dark. LOL
I do mine in my electric food steamer, they taste much better steamed I reckon.
@Triphid that’s exactly what my egg cooker does! It steams them. I just poke a little hole in the top of the egg, put it on the little rack add a small amount of water and they steam to hard boiled. I find they peel much easier using this method too.
My mom gave me a soft-boiled egg in an egg cup every single day before school in cold weather! ASSumption, indeed!
So did mine, except it was in a blue cup with a handle and I drank it. Every morning! She called it a “soft-boiled egg”. These days I eat ‘em hard boiled
I eat hard boiled eggs all the time. I just cook them longer.
Plunge the cooked eggs into ice water. Peel the egg and eat it.
We don't? I have an egg cup collection in fact. But since I don't boil eggs often, and when I do, they're hard boiled, I don't use them. I would if I liked soft-boiled eggs better. It when my mom was in the hospital giving birth to my sister, I was left in the care of my dad, whose only culinary accomplishment was the soft-boiled egg. It was a long labor. I could not bear boiled eggs throughout the rest of my childhood.
I had two soft boiled eggs at teatime tonight with “soldiers” of wholemeal toast! I often have them at teatime if I’ve been out for lunch earlier. They were large and from free range hens of course, and served in egg cups!
We boil the egg and eat it shells and all. Goog goog
Hey, you DO realize that every egg comes out a chicken's bum-hole don't you, that's why they have a hard wrapping to keep the contents from being contaminated....LOL
We have them and we are angry because of trump and cronies . Used them as a kid
@Grahame I was raised on soft-boiled eggs. We also call them "3-minute Eggs", and egg timers have long been common kitchen accessories. I don't know where you acquired your knowledge of America, but it's very diverse.
Americans are not "all angry." That's a mean, inaccurate thing to say.
LOL you're a real card. Well you do admit that you sometimes need guidance, and I'm sure you have other redeeming features. Getting the points racked up any way.
I have egg cups and live in America. Although I wasn’t born in America and it’s not my culture. Grew up eating soft boiled eggs and using egg cups though.
@helionoftroy whatvis an egg cup?
@Bigwavedave it’s a small cup that holds a soft boiled egg. You can google for an image.
Never been a fan of soft-boiled eggs, instead preferring so many other options. Options make me happy!
What is a goog?
After several years spent in restaurants only 3 people ordered soft boiled eggs in my career. We had a box of egg cups and never used more than the one until that one was lost, so at one time they must have been popular. Most common order: fried over easy, then fried over medium, scrambled, basted then sunny side up. Soft boiled (3 min) isn't on the list unless you work where they serve eggs benedict, served on toast points without a cup. Truth is, the egg industry is rife with salmonella so I eat scrambled unless I know the source.
Actually, the eggs Benedict is more or less poached