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A path to whittling away religious power... ban the indoctrination of children to the concept of "Hell" as child abuse.

One of my biggest objections to religious indoctrination of children is the abusive threat that the concept of Hell is a real thing that bad children and adults will be tortured in Hell forever. This is so heinous that I just can't understand why it's still tolerated in our society.

I watched a program on PBS once where they interviewed child about their knowledge of religion including Hell and it was mortifying! Several children cried because they worried not only they might go to Hell but that their loved ones might. One little girl had tears in her eyes because she said she was already going to Hell. When the interviewer asked her why she thought that, what could she possibly have done to be sent to Hell, she said because she was a girl and all girls were sinners because of Eve. I broke down and cried, myself. Then I was outraged.

How dare these people terrorize children in such a way. I would love to see the banning of teaching the Hell concept to children. A first step to banning childhood indoctrination.

NoPlanetB 8 Nov 29

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Ignorance begets fear.


Since the bronze age, it's always been a method of controlling the population with fear. The powerful worked out that it was easier to instill imaginary bullies than having to be seen as the bullies.

Common sense isn't common.


Terror/fear tactics date to ancient times and probably before even. Religions do not hold a monopoly on this tactic of control. Families, governments, religions all employ various means. It is disgusting, appalling, cruel.


I may have mentioned a while back that I am currently writing a book on the topic that religious teaching of children is abuse. I grew up in the Catholic church and migrated to protestantism in my late teens. I studied theology in my late 30’s only to discover that religion is, at best based on myth, and at worst based on outright lies in order to maintain a power base for the dominant class (initially men - sorry guys). For the past 25 years I have been living as an avowed atheist and have enjoyed being out of the shadow of guilt, as well as realising I have within myself everything I need to live a fulfilled life.😊

I will buy a book.


I had harsh religion shoved down my throat. As a little kid, I spent hundreds of nights crying, terrified that god would kill me during my sleep and I would wake up in hell. Pastors told me and the other kids in confirmation class that all people who did not practice Christianity would burn in eternal hell, including people who never got told about Christianity and also babies who died w/o bothering to get baptized. It was awful. I was dragged to church crying and begging to stay home. I got told "as long as you live in my house, eating my food, you must obey my orders." Sick. Messed me up for a long time.

SKH78 Level 8 Nov 30, 2019

I am glad that you recovered.

@anglophone Took a long time. Messed up my adult life a lot of years. Brainwashing is awful.


What they call "indoctrination" is a form of brainwashing. They want children to grow up to be faithful tithers. It's a horrible, immoral scam.


All religious indoctrination of children should be classified as a
First-degree Felony, punishable by life imprisonment for whomever
does it.
No exceptions. No parole. No early release.

They would call it freedom of speech or some other BS.

@MizJ They can call it whatever they like, they'd still be wrong.
They don't understand the Constitution to begin with.

I have long thought that religion is child abuse

@KKGator Should a basic understanding of civics be required to vote?

@MizJ I believe so. I'm rather fed up with the abject ignorance of so many of my fellow citizens.

A basic understanding of Civics should be required education. As early as possible. It should be a requirement that must be met before one is permitted to advance from middle school into high school. It should most definitely be a requirement for high school graduation, and before voting age.

Teach that instead of indoctrinating children with religious bullshit.

@NoPlanetB Gotta start somewhere. 😉

@KKGator Ignorance gave us 45. Period.


You can't "ban things" people into using common sense and reason. Spread the common sense and reason, that's the best why to end the abuse.

I understand your point but I would use "good sense" instead of "common sense" as this one I don't think it's that common any more. Sorry if I sound arrogant but that's the way I see things nowadays.


There are aspects of religion I can hardly bring myself to face, such child abuse is one..

Religion free, it seemed my daughters became ‘the counselors’ of their young friends. I neither encouraged or discouraged, both were/ are far more nuanced than me.

Some, shit - many wonder why my Atheism is militant…. You’ve just as well described Exhibit A

Varn Level 8 Nov 29, 2019

Although I don't entertain religious argument anymore, when I did, I would ask parents if there was anything their child could do to "earn" a punishment that lasts forever. "Of course not! I love my kids!" Was the typical response. I would then say, "Well, you might wanna talk to your God, then."


The concept of Hell turns God into an extortionist.

For God, being all knowing, timeless and ever present, created man with full knowledge he would fall (or your definition fails and God is not all knowing, ever present and timeless).

Hell is thus like a shotgun held to everyone's head. God then says "IF you love me and Obey me, you won't get shot. It is your choice"


The Same God, created Hell for this fallen man as a predetermined fate.

Like a shotgun Strapped into everyones mouth and rigged to go off UNLESS you love God
and obey God.
And such a God model already knew whose brains would be cherry pie on the wall and whose would not, since before TIME BEGAN.

That makes your idea of salvation actually a violent extortion, if fact THE MOST violent extortion possible as it is eternal.

That would make your proposed God an Evil SOB.

@NoPlanetB Worse, most are born into it like I was. God was not a question as a boy, it was reality, because everyone believed and we a re biologically predisposed to believe our parents (and authority in general).


I agree, it is a form of child abuse in my opinion. My sister took a catholic priest's Hell & Damnation sermons seriously as a child and became obsessed by them. My dad had already been wondering about the virtues of catholicism but hearing my sister's genuine fear was the start of the end for him. He stopped going to church and stopped forcing the kids too so that by the time I was born I had absolutely no pressure in either direction. Needless to say the whole family are now either Agnostic or Atheist. So the priest's constant threats from the sermon box backfired big time.


Good luck with that! Problem is state/religion, two sides of the same coin. Both help enforce the other's influence and control.

Bump Level 4 Nov 30, 2019

It's such a central tenant to so many religions you'd have to ban religion itself.

So count me in.

Good luck to us, we're gonna need it.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 29, 2019

The concept of Hell was routinely taught by the religious fundamentalist headmaster of a certain primary school in New South Wales when I was a child. It took me 20 years to rid my mind of his poison. That experience has made me the rabid attacker of god mobsters that I am today (at age 66).


I went thru this as a child in abusive catholic school



I went to a Baptist grade school. Helped me become Agnostic by 10.


I agree. I was Christian for 30 years and the thing that kept me one was my fear of going to hell. I look back and think how could i have been that stupid. Then I realized I was programmed as a kid that this was the truth and that it was the same truth as water is wet the sky is blue and the earth is round. I lived most of my life in shame or guilt if I did this or didn’t do that. Just a bunch of bullshit to control and make people act the way you want them to.


Ban Santa as well, also cruel

MizJ Level 8 Nov 29, 2019

Fine by me. We have GOT to stop lying to children.
I'm so sick of this bullshit.
Lying to them leaves them completely unprepared for reality.

Yep I’m tired of having to buy presents from me and then buy presents from Santa

@KKGator Ask any college professor, critical thinking skills are almost non-existent.

@abyers1970 So you lied to your kids and are complaining about the economic repercussions?

@MizJ It was a joke. I used sarcasm

@abyers1970 Ah, I see. Without voice inflection it was impossible to suss that out.

@NoPlanetB Teach them that people lie, but also teach them how to recognize liars, and the lies they tell.


I agree with the above totally, Ban the indoctrination of hell for children as child cruelty. great idea I have not heard.


Yes, then we taken back to moral dilemma: who is and should be in charge of a child's life?

I have an idea. The white society that started and spread Christianity should, for example, come clean and admit that religion is fictional and has been been a reality. Start with Great Britain, England to Africans, eg.


Yeah, I agree may never work, but we have to start somewhere


Children should NOT be introduced to Religious Indoctrination/Ideoligies at all UNTIL they have attained the ages where they can reason capably for themselves.

In my jaundiced opinion, there are some, perhaps many, people who never become capable of reasoning.


I agree with your every word, but the greater question is how do we stop them? How could anyone ever make this stop? IDK. Possibly prison terms if it is ever found out that you indoctrinated a child this way. This would also be tricky and could backfire and be used a wrong way.


In the new testament Jesus talks about hell as much as heaven. About 2/3 of Christains pretend hell dose not exist. What do they do now? Rewrite the King James version. They already got 40,000 Christains demonstration, and rewrites. The whole thing losses it's meaning because there was just made up in the first place of poems and stories and loose evidence of their history.


Agreed 100%


Its a pretty simple concept really. If yo

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