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I noticed I have been having a headache every day for weeks now. I usually do not have headaches as a rule. I was trying to correlate it to something, and I have only come up with two possibilities. What do you think it is?

1 Fall stared and there is a lot of leaf mold in the air...
2 The impeachment hearings started and I have been listening to the. They remind me every day of the corruptness of the White House

What do you think is causing the most pain?

Bigwavedave 8 Dec 3

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Did you injure your neck? My hiking partner, Karen, had headaches after getting whiplash. While hiking alone, Karen slipped on ice three times and fell fast.

Didn't hit her head. Neck pain and headaches.


After reading below I agree, best get checked out. My doc said most headaches are stress related, so a massage could help. Perhaps stop watching the news, the impeachment process will go ahead anyway, it’s not a popularity contest like the elections are πŸ˜‰

@girlwithsmiles. Yes.. I guess I am genuinely concerned about the democracy failing.....aiii yai yai

@Bigwavedave Well that’s been happening a while hasn’t it, there were issues with Bush’s numbers and then cyber security was compromised last time...sorry, I’ll not be helping that headache πŸ˜‚ it’s a circle of influence thing. If it’s out of your control best to limit the energy that you give it.


I’m going to go with β€œyes.”

@a2jennifer ...thankx

@Bigwavedave always happy to lend my insight πŸ˜‚


Please go to the doc Dave. A friend of my friend Traci who I've known for 10 year was having headaches and went to her neurologist too late. Just 2 weeks ago she died of a brain aneuryism in her neurologist's office. I hope its not that but please see your doc.

@sassygirl3869 I hear you and will monitor it closely. Thank you. I think it is mostly seasonal. But I am paying attention.

@Bigwavedave I hope its just seasonal allergies or mold if they're sinus headaches. I used to get those.

@sassygirl3869 I am assuming that's what it is. Steroid spray to the rescue.


I've been having them too - I'm sure its something swirling around in the atmosphere out here in the woods. Not only does the current occupant of the white house give me a headache....also gives me a big red butt rash. 😟

@ lavergne well thank goodness I don't have the buttrash. But my head is ready to explode!


Get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist!
Or #2, it does that to me too


This is almost certainly a function in the behavioural control chip implanted in your brain by the shadowy cabal of agents working for the NSA/the Vatican/aliens/freemasons/the worldwide Jewish conspiracy/Mondelez. You therefore have two options: 1. be a good little citizen, don't think much and keep buying stuff or 2. wear a tinfoil hat.

Jnei Level 8 Dec 3, 2019

@jenei. Um ok then

I should probably add a safety wink at this point to demonstrate that I'm not being entirely serious here. πŸ˜‰

Hope that's it Jeni. I knew Michelle over 10 years-happy go lucky smoker who was good friends with my friend Traci. We were more acquaintances so I only saw her at social events and parties. But I was shocked about her death from a brain aneurysm.

@sassygirl3869 A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. He'd been having headaches regularly for a couple of months but never got it checked out; then, a few days after his 18th birthday, he had a stroke. That was 25 years ago; he's been in a wheelchair ever since.

@Jnei Michelle was a big girl, great personality but a smoker. She was about 50. Out of the blue.


Try changing your location for the weekend . Pack your car Thursday night , and when you leave work Friday , keep going . Stay somewhere else . This might help you eliminate something in your house , which could be causing the headaches , unless , of course , the pollen or mold , or whatever is packed along with your clothing .


Donald Trump. Causes a pain in the neck which radiates to the skull.

@pondartincbend9g. Yea I just loath him. Its notbhealthy

@Bigwavedave I just wonder. How many people would like to take a shot at him? He's ruined our country for many generations. The rest of the world will not forget. This will cost lives all over the world.


Everything is cancer till its proven not to be.


The toxic, moldy, whitehouse, of course.

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