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Greetings! I am new to associating with people of like minds on the topics of agnosticism and atheism, so if I ask a question or make a statement it’s to see from various perspectives. I’m here also to learn and become inspired! Where I am, one damn near gets persecuted and hung on the stake for not believing in “some” type of god... so this is a nice app for me. Thanks!

Donne 5 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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You may have to do a bit of lying where you are good for staying alive that would be. Welcome.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I live in a similar area of the country.
I don't hide it. I am defiant and pretty much DARE them to come after me.
They behave the way they do because no one stands up to them.
I won't allow that.

Ever notice that "they" have a movement of actions: angry; then devious; then pitiful?

@Beowulfsfriend Yes. Right up until you get right in their faces and call them on their bullshit.
Then they sputter and stammer and don't know how to act.


Just an FYI.
Newcomers have to buy the first round..

JK. Great to have you here.

I'm pretty sure you're right? 😉


Welcome aboard! Please keep your hands and feet inside until the planet has come to a complete stop.


Nice to meet you! Please post your thoughts often. We all like to discuss


Welcome! It’s a adventure, as you let go of the labels , even agnostic and atheist you can see some things here


Welcome! Are you ready to learn, grow and share?


Welcome to the site...I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Re: being asked about your religious beliefs: Tell people you belong to the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. (Wearing a colander on your head as religious headgear makes your claim seem more valid. But colanders are hard to fit and the style often doesn't mesh with one's own personal style.) The church of the FSM really does exist, mostly online, and was created by a guy somewhere in the midwest as a response to a local school board's decision to teach "intelligent design" (i.e. creationism) in the local schools. He created the FSM organization so he could say, 'If you are going to teach about YOUR god, then you need to also teach about MY god."


I just joined, anyone wants to get married?


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We, the collective we, can inform you about any atheists author, speaker or idea you care to ever know. And some you probably don't want to know 😉


Welcome! Yes, it is difficult among the ‘faithful!’ Most times I just tell people that I have had all the religion that I can take for this lifetime. At other times, I say nothing, especially if I am with several people. I am fine one on one, but in a ‘bunch’ I let the others play out their game of religion. I know who I am!


Welcome! I can’t say I share your experience but I’m happy you found!




Welcome! The more open minds the better 🙂.


Welcome! It is SO nice to discuss or comment on a variety of topics here, without being assaulted with religious rhetoric. I am more grateful than ever for living in a more open-minded social environment!


sounds like me here in I'm quiet a lot


It is good to learn, do some research yourself, read different sources and get more knowledge, have a stance, decide for yourself first and foremost, that way other people can't bullshit you with a "different perspective" because this site is also full of trolls.


Welcome aboard.


Howdy and welcome here.


Welcome young man!


I've seen through studying how in the USA particularly in the old Dixiecrat states that the very idea of thinking differently to the social norm is punishable by some of retribution.
So welcome to a zone where you expand your mind.


Welcome, dude!!!


Welcome to the community.

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