Borrowed from FB.
Republican Senate Majority Leader “Moscow” Mitch McConnell had the shameless audacity today to go before the American people and complain that Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t talk about any important legislation during her press conference to address pending articles of impeachment against President Trump. He accused House Democrats of being singularly focused on “all impeachment, all the time.”
McConnell said Democrats' top priority is "performance art for coastal elites and not the people's business," and he accused Pelosi of believing "there's more political advantage in obstruction than in doing their jobs."
This while more than 400 bills passed by the House, many of them concerning the very issues McConnell pretends to care about, sit on his desk solely because he, and he alone, will not allow the Senate to debate them, take votes on them or act on them in any way.
He's within millimeters of being as dangerous as Drump
IMO more dangerous because he is Much smarter! (On the other hand, so is a floor mop)
Putins Mitch is far more dangerous then the orange one