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Update Randy Rainbow Show January 17th 8pm.

The theater is Low on seats because this is a "makeup" appearance for an earlier cancelled one. $35 & $45 seats are still available...balcony & sides. Call The Garde Theater New London CT 860-444-7373 NOW if you want to lodging here....just 10 minutes away. Limit 6, message me!

AnneWimsey 9 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Randy Rainbow sounds intriguingly fun and hot... Will look it up... Feeling EXCEEDINGLY randy and experimental having survived oral cancer with an excellent prognosis! Carpe That Fucking Diem!


Awesome!..count me in..Amtrak runs to New London?

Yes, in fact you could walk to the theater from the depot....but I will be thrilled to pick you up!

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