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If you think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs", please tell me why? Is there a limit to respecting those beliefs? At what point of harm caused to others do you cease to "respect other's beliefs"?

Seeker3CO 8 Dec 26

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Of course one should respect other's beliefs. You want others to respect yours after all, but yes if it is harmful physically or mentally then do stop.


I do not respect other people's beliefs. Some beliefs are crazy as shit!


I despise people who are racist, sexist and anti-immigrant, religious extremists who aim to control women's bodies and short-sighted, greedy fools who deny the climate crisis.

To me, the mark of a great civilization is how well we take care of poor, minority, elderly and disabled people. How well we provide clean water and air, good education, housing, workers rights, and protect the environment.


People for the most part are a bunch of Baboons who can go piss up a rope as far as I am concerned. They make up imaginary friends to support the most heinous behavior imaginable and then call themselves civilized. They can all go fuck themselves in my humble opinion, in general and for the most part I limit my contact with these savage monkeys.


There is a large difference between respecting other's beliefs and respecting others' right to believe as they choose. I focus on the latter, unless those beliefs fail to treat others and the environment with dignity and respect.


I don't respect beliefs, but I often show enough respect to people not to insult them because of what they believe, unless they are being just insufferable about it. Ideologies are fair game.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 26, 2019

I try to treat all other people as I would like to be treated. So their beliefs are theirs and I don't need to change them. However, it is their actions I may have objections to. If they try to convert me, try to deny rights to others, try to pass legislation based on their religion; then, all bets are off.


I do not think it is necessary or even wise to respect every belief any human might possibly hold. I do try to respect people's right to believe what they will as long as i reserve my right to think them idiots -- and as long as they do not rule others with those beliefs, through legislation, adjudication, execution or outright bullying. If someone believes god is in their orange jello, fine. If they insist that only orange jello worshipers may run for office, or that yellow pudding worshipers be punished, or that children must pray to orange jello in public schools, then i have a problem.



Respect is earned . At least mine is .
People should have the right to believe whatever they want .
I have the right to ignore them politely .
I also have the right to interfere and stand tall for any belief of theirs that harms humanity . When their beliefs become practice on education , law, medicine , to not mention basic human rights and child abuse , then all bets are off as far as I care and if I have a chance or an input .
Life is too short to try to be the polite/ peaceful / I love u all asshole who “ accepts “ everyone .
I am none of the above as long as I live . Beliefs that become indoctrination / law / practice will always have an enemy in me . A vocal one and a pain in their ass .


I respect people, but I don't respect crazy beliefs that have no merit. There is no reason to respect someone's beliefs "just because". That's something dreamed up by someone who had stupid beliefs. I'll guarantee you.



I do not think you have to respect another's beliefs--only their right to have them (unless those beliefs cause direct harm to another). Some beliefs deserve no respect whatsoever. For instance: any belief that others do not deserve equal rights to you; any belief that those who don't believe the same way as you deserve to go to a place of eternal punishment; any belief that says it is okay to kill those who don't believe as you do...and the list goes on.


I don't respect, I tolerate.


How about Everybody MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS???!!!??

That would be a start now wouldn't it.

Can the second thing we do is relax? 😉


I can accept that the person should be respected, however, as to their beliefs, no way will I respect whatever bollocks they want to believe in.


I respect everyone's right to have their own beliefs. I don't respect what everyone believe in. Just keep your beliefs to yourself. Don't try to force it onto me. Don't hurt anyone in front of me and not expect me to try to stop you. I can't fix stupid, so believe what you want to believe.


I extend a basic level of respect to all PEOPLE and respect that they have a right to their own beliefs. I don’t feel any obligation to respect the actual beliefs.


I only tolerate the religious beliefs of others because it is required by law.
I don't respect any of that garbage. Especially when it causes harm to
children and discriminates against anyone who isn't them.
Not for a minute.


You want to respect other's RIGHT to their beliefs. Or else who gets to say what everyone believes?

MrDMC Level 7 Dec 26, 2019

I do not respect the beliefs of others. I respect everyone's right to believe whatever they want to. However, I sometimes do try to talk some sense into them.


"Hello, we are Jehovahs burglars and we are persecuted by the state because of our beliefs"
"What do you believe?"
"We believe that you have valuables in this house"

You can respect the person, their right to believe what they want and you should have the good manors not to challenge those beliefs unless they challenge yours. When someone tries to impose their view on you or anyone else, then all bets are off.


I'm not obligated to respect other people's stupid bullshit. If someone's beliefs include magical people in the sky and eternal life after you're dead,then I wouldn't recommend they hold their breath awaiting my respect.


Religion is just a get of jail free card for hate speech. I see no reason to show respect.


I respect their right to believe things, not the belief itself. I will never try to tell anyone they can't believe what they want but I will tell them what they believe is wrong/foolish/dangerous.

I feel the same. I respect their right to believe what they want. I do not feel I have to respect the belief...


"Maybe adding appeal to secularism, rather than talking stink on religion, is a more productive ..."

"And I will defend their right to believe what they want, tooth and claw. However, respecting that right to hold the belief should not be confused with respecting the belief itself.

If someone says to me that they "know" that Elvis is on the mothership orbiting Earth 2 (which can't be seen because it is on the other side of the Sun, moving at the same speed as Earth 1) and will one day come to judge us.... I have no hesitation in telling them they are out of their tree."

So, the short answer is NOPE, I do not think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs"; to do so in all cases is to let all manners of lazy thinking, shenanigans and fuckery slide.

But where does that boundary occur? It occurs the moment some idiot decides that I need exposure to their brand of stink. Don't sell it to me, cuz I ain't buyin'.


I respect other's beliefs as long as they respect mine (Which is the lack off). Once they cross that line then all bets are off.


Respect their beliefs but not their actions if they are harmful to others.

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