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Everybody wants something different. We're all in the same boat (or plane as in this editorial). Maybe we should be hoping for the best.

dave1459 8 Dec 29

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I have never wanted 45 to fail. I just knew that he would.
He is incapable of leadership, and I knew that going in.
I tried to warn everyone I possibly could. Most people refused to listen.
A lot of them are still refusing to listen.

This country is not an airplane and 45 is not a pilot.
If the pilot fails and the plane crashes, everyone dies.
This is very different.
With 45's failure, the country doesn't crash and everyone doesn't die.
With 45's failure, the country survives, but it is irreparably damaged. Some
people will die. People are already dying because of 45. Not many seem to
care very much about it because a lot of them plan on voting for 45 again.

Once again, someone on fb has gotten it wrong, and posted someone
else's thoughts, which were also wrong.

Sure as shit....he ain't no pilot

And we are not locked in to tRump's success as we would be to our pilot's success. The pilot almost certainly drags the passengers all to a binary win/loss outcome.

tRump will damage or not damage America largely irrespective of whether he 'succeeds' or not. With the damage being done to our planet and our government and our economy among other things, the sooner we get rid of him and the Republicans using his incompetence to further their own damage, the better.

My personal sense of moral outrage would be gratified to see him personally fail and be severely punished. But that is far secondary to getting the country to a state where it can begin to recover.


The pilot at least had to pass his license. What qualifications did Trump have? He certainly didn't have the manners or IQ of a statesman. He wouldn't even reveal his income tax to show he was a wise and honest business man. It's about time the people applying for these jobs could prove they were suitable. Criteria should be written for the top job just like any other job.


Trump has already failed over and over again.


I think we all hoped for the best, and at this point it's too late to hope he won't fail. Best we can do now is try to mitigate the damage and try our best to make the election in 2020 fair and uninfluenced.


Profound ? hardly
You do know by now that your president is an incompetent liability and the best thing would be for him to fail and someone more competent to take over.


There's a point when you have to stop hoping and face the facts. The being on the same boat or aiirplane analogy may have been valid for a short period of time, but when you witness your pilot doing crap that's stupid, idiotic and just plain dangerous every fucking second he's sitting on the pilot's chair, you stop hoping and you prepare for the worst, you prepare for the inevitable crash. Just hope you won't die.


My wanting anyone to succeed or fail has zero, zilch, nada, zip to do with them being successful or not. That's on them, not me.

Jezus fucking christ.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

@Ms_McSteven what's truly frightening about this is they think that there's something profound on Facebook.



If the pilot was drunk, you would not want to have to hope he would still fly you home safely. You would want a different pilot.


I see the point but with Donald Trump there is no best to hope for. He is not POTUS material, period. As for your airplane pilot, I have never wondered about them in any way when I was on a plane.


There have been Presidents I wanted to fail because their policies were or are terrible. Whether you want them to fail or succeed depends entirely on whether you support or don't support their agenda and their policies.


The situation in the UK is closer to that post than the US I think.
Three years ago we had a referendum on Brexit. The results were 52% - 48% to leave. In poker terms that would be a coin flip. Whilst it committed the govt to do this, it left the 48% screaming what a bad idea it was. They have supported everything they could to stop or delay it. It has led to the break up of old friends and families and 3 years of chaotic govt.
Now we have a govt with a strong majority and it will happen anyway. Those of us that disagreed with both the referendum and the results of the election can only look on the bright side (if any) and try to make the best of it.
The US situation is rather different. A pilot would have to passed as competent to fly. Okay, that was like the election. If he consequently then broke the law by smuggling, he failed a drug or alcohol test or was in breach of the airline regulations say by asking a rival airline to dig up some dirt on his coworker or boss? Then he would be subject to disciplinary action or worse.
Pilots are subject to periodic review. These now include psychiatric tests to avoid the situation that occurred when the Lufthansa guy killed himself, crew and all his passengers. Judging by the way your POTUS now speaks. I really think that he has become unhinged. Whilst this is sad, he cannot be left alone to reap whatever destruction he wants to.

Whilst there are similarities in that the electorate were lied to continuously and xenophobic and racist feelings were stirred up the difference is that the incumbent in the US is only in office for four years and can then be replaced but with Brexit it cannot be overturned.

@Moravian yes how on earth did you get to 5yr terms? I suppose things can get done. Ours are every 3 yrs and all they think about is winning the next the election.

@MsDemeanour The fixed five year term can be overturned and an election called but only if parliament agrees to it. There have been three elections in the past fivears but i think we will be stuck with this one for the full five years.
The decision to leave the EU was by a public referendum and will be enshrined in law by the end of next January so there is no going back

@MsDemeanour It always was a maximum of 5 years but the govt could call an election anytime before that. Now they need a 2/3 majority to do so. So that means an agreement from the opposition. I really don`t like your system of almost constant electioneering. No time for long term planning.


@dave1459 I think Steve Garrington is making a false equivalent.

Many hate Trump; but few - if any - want him to fail.

Many wish him ill...they laugh at his diet, his absurd lies about his height and weight...but I seriously doubt anyone has made any plans to do him harm.

I concur with his last sentence; there's no winner in a divided nation...

But no one "hates" for no reason. No one wants our nation to "fail". But we do want - and need - a new "pilot".

You hate someone who has professed love, concern, or care for you/yours...but then turned his/her back. They lied.
They deceived.
They cheated - and got caught many, many times.

So our love turned to distrust....and finally to hate.

No one wants "the plane to crash" but when we see a pilot doing dangerous things that proves that we shouldn't be on that flight....and we can do something about that pilot?

Then we who love our nation will be damned sure that we will do all we can to get that pilot under arrest.

Please fly your plane and nation back to your Europe and what ever places it come from prior to the Ships arriving beginning in year 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers freedom from England July 4th, 1776 to rape this land from the original indigenous inhabitants calling them such as Mexicans, indian and native American. Please take your capitalism wage slave labor with you. Maybe you can do good people a favor and fly that plane into a mountain so it would allow for true freedoms such that everyone on Earth could at last enjoy their own brick home, business and property built by true masons free from mortgage free from rent free from taxation free from governmental terrorism and free from religious oppression.

Then everyone could enjoy free education and be able to fly their own plane. Or, engineer their own plane because they would have freedom of knowledge and education free from such as Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worship secret religion most commonly known as United States of America.

@Word Wow; you got a hate thing going for the Masons, huh?

They're just a bunch of old guys who like to dress up, do secret handshakes, talk about devotion to women, and do nice funerals. Lighten up, dude.

And yea, our ancestors - and yours - came to America, destroyed the native Americans, and did a lot of shameful things to Africans.

What's your point?

I think you missed my point.

Dave1459, the OP above, was talking about an article written by Steve G. about the need for Americans to "see the president fail".

I said I don't think that's the's' more like a strong hatred for a profound liar.

But you got off on a Masonic-hate thing...why?

Ordinarily I'd let slide and block and report you; except I've known too many good American Masons including my dad, and I think you're a reasonable chap....I hope.

I'm still mentally reeling from trying to decipher this.

@Robecology in part, I have ancestry in these lands for 1000s of years prior to European invasion of 1492.

"old guys who like to dress up, do secret handshakes, talk about devotion to women, and do nice funerals."

Yes, this is what they want people to think so long as they can keep people enslaved to their hierarchy capitalism slave labor no justice for the innocent. ... yea, I could go on. Where is there brick homes for everyone on Earth built by true masons free from mortgage, free from rent, free from taxation, free from governmental terrorism and free from religious oppression?

@Robecology, @dave1459 where is there an educational and invention institution on every Street corner do every of all human animals can enjoy the fullness of intellectual capabilities and techniques freely?

I could not put a second comment on previous post. The uneducated with no interest in mystical traditions and the esoteric may regard Ancient Egypt as little more than a place of pagan worship, strange hieroglyphics, and monuments erected by thousands of Hebrew slaves. But those more learned, especially those having undertaken the initiative rituals of Freemasonry, will see a link between the Egyptian metaphysical tradition and modern mystery schools, of which Freemasonry is one. www dot gaia dot com /article/ancient-egypt-and-freemasonry

Lord of host Lucifer the devil leading the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers in the establishment of the mark of the beast 666 identification for taxation and government control. No justice for the innocent, more children can be trained to speak and act abused to wrongfully prosecute innocent people especially those that oppose there Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worship "my teacher made me touch her p.p ". Take the original indigenous inhabitants of their land call it America call them such as Mexicans, Indians and native Americans

@Word If you are have in part ancestry in these lands for 1000s of years prior to European invasion of 1492,you should dismember yourself and send back to Europe those parts that belong there. Then lets re-draw the map of the world to how it was in 1492. Even better, lets re-draw it to 4000~2000 years back or more, where the Druids, Celts, Saxons, Malais, Indian, Mongols, Asian, Black,Australoid, etc. and every nation remained were they were! A little hard, isn't it?

@Word You are being blocked and reported.


Oh, sweetie, That ship has Sailed!


Trump failed he should have thought of it when he voted

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 30, 2019

The passengers also don't get to vote for who they want as a pilot. If we went by the suggestion in the article... We'd be doomed! The country has been highjacked by someone even more dangerous than the 9/11 highjackers. He will do FAR MORE damage than they did and kill more people than they did. He also makes us more unsafe than they did.

I voted for Hillary, not because I liked her... Far from it. It was an anti Trump vote because I knew he was a corrupt horse's ass. When he was elected though... After a week of feeling gutshot. I thought the same thing, "Well, he is my president now and I need to support him!"

And then he opened his stupid fucking mouth and all the lies started coming out! No sir... He is NOT my president. He should not be YOUR president either.

I will donate my time and money this election cycle to making sure he is removed by whatever legal means are necessary!


There are a couple of logic errors presented in this clipping.

Pilots in the USA undergo a fitness regime to ensure anyone who is legally allowed to fly is competent. Few other occupations have such rigid training and testing. Presidents are decided by majority vote, which says nothing about actual fitness or competence. It's not at all equivalent.

I don't know anyone who wants a president to "fail" in the manner the clipping suggests, either. People who don't like Trump, for example, just want him out of office. That is a substantially different proposition altogether.

I understand the point the article is making. I think a much more reasonable job of framing the argument would help. Straw-man positioning of the arguments made against a particular president are counterproductive.




I see the article's point very clearly and yet, no surprise at all, there are comments already showing how hard they wish 45 to fail. The crash part of the story has not gone through yet..... Let's keep tryng. Excellent metaphor.


What if while on the flight you realize that the pilot is wild, disrespectful, clumsy, narcissist, insults and changes constantly the cabin crew, he thinks he's a genius surrounded by idiots? You don't want him to fail but you don't want him to EVER pilot a plane... ever again!


Although, I wouldn't worry or even think about what described on the first part of the text, I must say it was very well put. Although I believe politicians should be changed regularly like nappies (or diapers, as you prefer) and for the exact same reason...


I support your post enthusiastically! After an election the sides are supposed to come together in mutual support. You don’t have to like the president, but it seems like good sense to respect the judgment of the electorate rather than to continuously slur and demonize them. The overriding principle is that not everyone can have his way.


Maybe we should be working for the best. Seems the politicians don't.
I agree. There are no winners, not even in life, for it is a come and go issue. Interesting thoughts

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