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So, i have coffee with a guy from POF yesterday, turns out he is looking for a Dominatrix....too cheap to hire one, i guess. Apoarently they are hard to find....huh, do i need additional income? Lol!

AnneWimsey 9 Jan 12

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I guess a real dom would do it for pleasure, wouldn't she?

The pleasure is in the dynamic though. A real dom needs a real sub, and a real commitment to fun and pleasure. And safety for both of them. If thats not there, its just a service that she deserves to be paid for. Definitely not POF material. There are multiple web sites where people can find local people and events if theyre specifically looking for kink or BDSM.


In the 1980s when I was in San Fran and working part time with BDSM folk, female tops (dommes) were scarce. I knew some who were paying for college. D’ya think that when the Equal Rights Amendment is ratified and women “make it theirs”, more will top for pay?

Haha women don't need constitutional permission to exploit men. It's just that most women have better things to do. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.


A lot of startup cost, buying all that leather, handcuffs, whips and rope. Not to mention having rings and hook properly installed in your walls so they don’t break loose! 🤣🤣🤣🏏🗜⛓


Sounds like a go fund me page is needed.

Something like.......

Beautiful blond wanting to start a S&M business. Need everything except the desire. Goal: $10,000.

I am perfectly competent to install anything........savings!


You don't have photos "in leather" on your profile do you?

Did he "talk kinky" before coffee?


Theres plenty of men who can't disabuse themselves of the notion that if they simply share their sexual desires with a woman, her female nurturing nature will take over, and her sexuality will immediately and magically fall into line with his happiness. Its amazing. I really don't know how this idea got started, but you see it over and over, in the way some ,mn pursue relationships and also in porn. (Eg man has hard on, woman magically wants whatever he wants)


Ive heard yhat the ratio of Female doms to male subs is like 1:100, but the thing is, thats self identified. I bet there's huge numbers of very dominant women who "hide" behind passive-aggressive and controling behavior and claim not to be dominant, and huge numbers of so called submissive men, who are actually very much about dominating every thing their partner does, and how she does it (ie "topping from the bottom" ).

Anyhow, doesnt matter. Youre much more like.y to meet someone who floats your boat, than he is.

This is only in relation to mixed sex relationships, obviously the weird gender role BS is played out differently in same sex dynamics


The ratio of female doms to male subs is no where near 1:1, so if you want to open your own business and not only be your own boss but the boss of others - and are good at it - you can make some pretty decent money.

You'll probably really learn to hate men, though. 😉

1of5 Level 8 Jan 12, 2020

Not happening, I am more of a "mother hen" type......

@AnneWimsey oh don't worry, there's a demand for that too. 😉

People do a lot of weird (to us or maybe just you, I'm not weirded out by to much anymore) things when they abandon shame and all but a few boundaries.

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