So i get an actual email from a guy from FB ranting about how Bernie "never done nothing".
I ask where he was when $15/hour & Medicare for All was suggested, annd refer him to Youtube. Dumbass!
Morons, thinking approving of a candidate means he’s your idol. WTF.
I know.....WTF??
Where do you meet these guys?
They find me....whoopee-do!
Sounds like one of the denizens of the F-c-book deep surfaced!
Bernie has plenty of ideas but he doesn't really talk about his accomplishments much.
You never been to Youtube? Where he explains, in detail, his plans for We The Prople, and how to pay for it all? The problem he has is the media ignores all his Huge rallies, downplays his Huge "war chest" of all small donations, and tries hard not to even say his name! Actually sadly funny to see live commentators choke his name back, as they have been ordered to do.
Maybe he meant that Bernie hasn't accomplished anything.
Becuz Seattle, for one, having adopted his $15/hour wage, is Booming.....And Medicare For All is on the horizon? "Nothing"???????
@AnneWimsey I realize that many people worship Bernie, but he didn't invent $15/hour. Lots of municipalities have raised the minimum wage. And Medicare For All wasn't Bernie's idea, although he supports it. And "on the horizon" isn't an accomplishment. I'm just so tired of people-worship.
@BitFlipper if he hadn't popularized it, and shown how it is a benefit to everyone, it would be moldering. And since he has been working towards these things for Decades, who do you think should get the credit?
@AnneWimsey a lot if us have been working for decades. I don't think the effort of thousands if volunteers should be plagiarized for the benefit of just one politician. The power needs to be in the hands of the people, not just one holy man.
@BitFlipper wow..."holy man"??? And his message has Always been 'WE", it is his Entire message, unlike any other politician since Jimmy Carter.
@AnneWimsey he says "we" but isn't conscious of anybody but his supporters. And his supporters worship him. I like his ideas, but he doesn't sell the ideas, he sells himself.
@BitFlipper you mean we fall to our knees & sing hosannas? any footage of that?