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There are many things that we can debate and argue over with religion. If you had to pick ONE thing which religious belief or practice would you pick as having had the most damaging effect on Humanity?

Mcflewster 8 Jan 28

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Too often, religion is a pilar of tyranny.
Too often, tyrants rely on religion to oppress people.

Either as a church official or through an associated monarchy

  1. In many religions, females are subordinate and controlled by men.

  2. Anti-abortion and against birth control.

  3. Female genital mutilation.

  4. Against educating women.

The list goes on.

It is difficult to resist having a list.


Religion's dismissal of science has caused as much tragedy as its use to justify war.


The idea of a “personal” relationship with a god who gives a hoot about what happens to you. I think it prevents people from seeking real solutions to real challenges.


Any comingling of religion and politics.

That is absolutely the real danger. From the inquisition to Islam to the Jesuits to Opus Dei to what is happening in America today, and everything inbetween. Once the cultists get secular power, they really become "the right hand of (their particular) god". Horror and carnage always ensues.


The most dangerous thing about religion is blind faith. Religious leaders require trust without evidence. A search for evidence is discouraged by religions, because it would cause people to stop believing, attending, and contributing money to churches. Therefore, facts and evidence are discouraged, and blind faith is encouraged. This is the root of the scam which is religion. Blind faith corrupts people's minds.


Oppression of women.


Child rape by priests


Most damaging..the belief that humans arent animals and not part of the same kingdom. That we've been "created" by an omnipotent being controlling fate.


The practice of dividing people. It's always us vs them. The saved and the unsaved, the Christians and the Muslims, the Muslims and Jews and on and on.


That you’re to take that leap of faith. In essence you’re not to question just believe. Questioning, critical thinking that’s eating the forbidden fruit.


The indoctrination of children before the age of reason to propagate the beliefs of religion, and to create a bond of belonging.

Yes, it creates a powerful Condition for Love while preaching Unconditional Love, Since young children haven't yet physically developed the ability to discern quality from quantity, and to think backwards to what led them to any conclusion, they'll naturally accept any given conclusion as factual. , its literally child's play to abuse them with their caregivers' ideologies, particularly bigotry, religion, and all non-sensical "truths." Crazymaking.

@Ann-Elysse eloquently said


The belief in an afterlife, because it devalues the present, and helps people be manipulated into doing horrific actions.


The teaching that anyone who doesn't practice a given religion is evil.




The most damaging effect is not obvious: it is the sometimes catastrophic impairment of the pre-frontal cortex part of the brain as somebody is growing up. As a result, the ability to engage in cognitive flexibility is lost, which means that they accept as true any bullshit that their parents tell them.

In short, their parents and preachers tell them what to think rather than how to think.

(edited for a missing word)

'Get 'em young' is their motto.

@Mcflewster Agreed.


That I am better than you because I love Jeebus (or, I guess,Jeebus loves me). Not what Jeebus said at all, anyway!

"I'm saved and you're not HAHA!" I've mirrored these words to my newly sober brother-in-law whose new drug of choie became religion. His entitled narcissistic stance of superiority had never been so high as then.


The teaching that--regardless of how the evidence appears--holding certain beliefs is a soul-saving virtue while holding contrary beliefs is a soul-damning sin.


The worst thing is belief without evidence.

Or at least the belief that personal testimony is sufficient evidence.


That we don't have to give a crap about the environment, the planet, because Jesus is due back anytime.


The damage the missionaries have done.

And very few get the outcome they deserve.


"God created Man in His Own Image," Religious basis for separatism: Us vs All Others, end of story. God didn't Make all other species and non-living forms in 'Its" image---only Man so sayeth, who else, but Man. Next, god gave man dominion over planet Earth, to use all of its contents as man so desires (includes women, too, BTW). Oh, don't let me get started! So I'll leave it there.... 2-cents from this 1 earthling ☮🕊


In my opinion, the belief that there is only one true religion. Mostly because of all the religious wars. Plus one sort of minor thing, well not minor to me. When I was younger I started stepping away from Christianity when I was told that one of my closest friends, who believed in Hinduism, wasn’t going to heaven. If they couldn’t go, I didn’t want to go either. This person was and still is kinder and more compassionate than most Christians I know.

Carey Level 5 Jan 28, 2020

The thoughts and prayers mentality, without actually doing anything constructive to help.....and the tax free status of churches.


The teaching of believing myth over reality.


Complete and total submission to religious authorities under pain of perdition, and an unqualified belief their leaders are infallible in the total absence of evidence. Also, the sin fullness of skepticism and the whole renunciation of the use and authority of reason. Voltaire reflects this sentiment best: “Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Well said!

Said with feeling!!

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