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I was looking for something else , and faced this old friend . I love it .
Either I am rested too much , either too softy tonight , but regardless y it reminded me so many of u here .
“ I am not alone “. I ve been here for near two years and u realize or not guys u are excellent company . At work and at home . W all of u , “ I am not alone “.
This is for all of u , and for all of us who do feel lonely and dark at times .
Love u guys . Stay healthy . Stay alive .

Pralina1 9 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I'm a loner, but not lonely.


While I may be alone, I am not lonely, friends like you fill me with happiness. Rest easy my friend.

@OwlInASack Me, too. I've met people on this site that know me better now than my local friends or neighbors do...


Indeed, you are not alone, and all is good.

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