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Look what I shared: Pastor says only “sissies” & “pansies” wash their hands to prevent coronavirus / LGBTQ Nation @MIUI| []
Wow! So much for "the meek shall inherit the Earth" and " the greatest of these [principles] is Love.". So much for emulating Jesus' call for humility of spirit or taking seriously stewardship of one's physical health health as respect for "the body is the temple of God."
That's right, the important thing is to promote angry, toxic masculinity that insults anything remotely considered feminine while living recklessly. 🙄

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Mar 15

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The Jesus View of Hand Washing....
Jesus' Advice On Handwashing and Health
Hand washing Mark chapter 7

The Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered around Him when they had come from Jerusalem,
2and had seen that some of His disciples were eating their bread with impure hands, that is, unwashed.
3For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they carefully wash their hands, thus observing the traditions of the elders;
4and when they come from the market place, they do not eat unless they cleanse themselves; and there are many other things which they have received in order to observe, such as the washing of cups and pitchers and copper pots.
5The Pharisees and the scribes asked Him, "Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with unclean hands?"

Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.' "

Was this good advice that Jesus gave the crowd. For health reasons isn’t it prudent to wash your hands, cups and pitchers and copper pots?

What do health professionals always tell you concerning how to avoid getting sick?
Wash your hands. Wash your hands before eating. My mother always insisted that I wash my hands when I came into the house, and before eating.

Is there “Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him,”” as Jesus said? What about bacteria, viruses, and poisons, that may be on your hands, and may find their way into your mouth and make you sick, if you don’t wash them off your hands?

If Jesus is God, didn’t Jesus sin by giving people false information that could result in death or disease? [Criminal indifference to Human Life]

If Jesus didn’t know that his information was false, doesn’t that prove that he is not God?

In the Hebrew Scriptures, there is Scripture that makes it incumbent for all to take measures to shield others from safety hazards to which the unwary might fall victim. [Deuteronomy 22:8] Jesus ignored this principle.

If you study the Hebrew Scriptures you find that there are laws which are intended to keep people healthy.
Hand washing keeps people healthy.
By going against hand washing Jesus was encouraging people to eat with dirty hands possibly exposing them to disease.
It doesn't seem right that Jesus could be who people think he is if he has an attitude that is dangerous to people's health.

Jesus' followers ate with dirty hands.
In the dark ages of Christianity people believed Demons were responsible for disease.
Maybe if Jesus knew ....and would have told people about how disease is spread people wouldn't have been dying while trying to get a demon removed.
Remember Jesus healed by casting out demons....was that truthful? Or just rank superstition?

Back in Jesus' day, people ate with their fingers from communal bowls. [Matthew 26:23]
If one man relieves his bowels, doesn't adequately wash his hands, and then lays down to eat with his fingers from the community bowl, he could make everyone eating from that bowl sick.
A man has an obligation under the Law to protect the health and well being of his neighbor. Don't you agree?
Yes....the ritual of hand washing had a religious significance, but it was also in place to protect the health of the people.
We have all heard the saying....Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
The Scripture quoted in Mark 7 says ..."""some of His disciples were eating their bread with impure hands, that is, unwashed.""
So it wasn't a matter of them not washing good enough. They didn't wash their hands at all.


Another candidate (if we're lucky) for the Darwin Awards.


Talk about ignorance!
If he has the virus at all!
Probably a plot to say his faith cured him, knowing he doesn't have it.


Unfortunately he is not only endangering himself but also others that he may be spreading the virus to.

@rogueflyer that's why I suggested he is not affected by the virus. It would be seen as a criminal offence if he publicly declared he had the virus and took thousands down with him. He could be detained forcefully.
My take on this, is that he doesn't have the virus and when he is finally tested, and he is not affected, he will start praising god. A plot to stay in business and increase his flock.


The actual "sissies" and "pansies" I know are all very nice people I'd be happy to ride out the remainder of the pandemic with, assuming they'll take me as an honorary member. Meanwhile the doctors and scientists who habitually do this anyway - I hope when this pastor shows up looking for treatment they either extract a video confession from him of how full of shit he is, or just tell him "Jesus is waiting for you" and move swiftly to the next patient.

By the power vested in me as a 52-year-old flower-gardening figure-skating sweater-knitting gay-men's-chorus-singing classical-piano-playing bird-watching former folkdancer, I Grant you honorary member status! 😉
(All those things are true, BTW). 🤗


What a destructive idiot!


Fucking idiot! He looks like he needs a bath!


Said paster is lacking both sanity and compassion.

And they, imho, are just his GOOD points and his only GOOD points.


Oh FFS, who supplied the sperm that gave rise to that self-righteous Religiotard?
Can't have read to the point where it states, " Cleanliness is next to Godliness" then.


Shuttlesworth is a putz. If anyone hearing his message fails to take precautions, and dies of corvid19, I hope he is held accountable and punished with prison time.


It's disheartening that idiots like that have a position of importance, but then look at our government. And then I think morons like this got them elected so no surprises there

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 16, 2020

And, they reproduce with reckless abandon. 🤯

Kinda sad to think any woman would have this obvious mysogynist.


This pastor is certifiably insane...the problem is that he has a platform to broadcast his insane utterances, and will influence others to follow his edicts. He is not just a lunatic, but a very dangerous one during this present pandemic, and he will be directly responsible for many deaths. We can but hope he will be amongst that number!


Wow! These ‘religious nuts’ have no problem putting other people’s lives in danger! Plus, it is clear this televangelist has no idea about Science and Illness at all! I hope people have the good sense to stay clear of this ‘holy roller’...he will report it was ‘god’s will’ if you die from the corona virus!

Yes, his willful ignorance is dangerous not only to himself (but who cares about that?) but also to other people, possibly lethally so.


Well, so long to all those guys who are too tough to wash their hands!




How can anybody be so foolish? Christian or not. Hope his breed gets it and have their faith tested thoroughly


Can someone ask this moron of god whether only "sissies & pansies" wash their hands after using the toilet?


Hi, Mike! Hope you're well. Long time, no post.

Agreed about that jackass, too.
He's just another stupid prick.

Greetings! I have been posting. ...usually to groups on this site, but posting nevertheless. I hope you are well.


drinks milks from a dirty glass, eh?



Why is it that the dumbest opinions always come from Xian Republicans; a group of people fueled by ignorance and a shared bond of stupid that's made of steel.

Christianity really doesn't exactly encourage intelligent thinking. Christian Pastors Say the Stupidest Things -- maybe that could be a segment on a talk show or something. Kind of like how they had "Godstuff" on the Daily Show back in the 1990s 🙂

"why is it....?" That's a rhetorical question, right? 😉


Think pastor Shittlesworth is getting desperate. Hope he is following his own advice.


Well, hopefully he'll learn soon enough that we really need to wash our hands, regardless of whether COVID-19 or not.


Cleanliness is next to dogliness. 😀


He needs a wake up call. Someone should donate this pic to him.



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