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A guy friend messaged me asking how I'm doing. After I asked him how he's doing as well, he said "...I'd be more content cuddling someone as adorable as remind me of your mother." LOL! 😂That is one of the weirdest things anyone has ever said to me! (just in the way he said it). What's something really random/awkward/weird someone has said to you?

VeronicaAnn 7 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh leaving a friend’s family gathering of about 200 and he borrowed a tow rope from his Uncle and called out loudly as we left that we’d be using it later!
I was mortified; we were mates not embarrassed.


There's been a lot of awkward in my life - I think I'll just smile and pass on this one...


I'm the one making awkward comments; all that matters is that I'm amused — everyone else can climb aboard this train or not. Some people may think I just have no filter, but they have absolutely no idea how much stuff I think of and don't say.


Your mother? How did you react, in that moment? lol


Well, my late uncle once told me how many times a day he masturbated,

He had pretty bad schizophrenia.


Someone out of the blue once told me I looked like Owen Wilson, and considered her comment to be a compliment. I hate being compared to movie stars, even though I like Wilson as an actor.

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