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Trump is obsessively trying to humiliate black, PBS female reporter, Yamiche Alcindor, but it's not working. Is i because he's a misogynist and racist??? What do you think?

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 31

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YES, ITS JUST THAT SIMPLE. He is a mysogynist.


He hates anyone who refuses to kiss his ass. Expect only Fox News and Breitbart to be allowed on the White House grounds shortly.


If I were any where near her, I would run up to about twenty feet and yell. "Your are doing a great job, here is a virtual hug and throw her a kiss. She is the best person fir this. She is female, black and smart, and tough, all which the President is not. I love her!


Definitely misogynist and racist

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 31, 2020
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