VERY true! Sheltering in place is not painful at all as I love it here! I live on a 3 acre wooded lot in a humble house that is a perfect size for the animals and I. I have assorted herbs growing outside for cooking and teas, along with a butterfly patch that I am trying to get going. I maintain 16 assorted bird feeders and two corn feeders to (hopefully) keep the squirrels busy.
Walks in any direction are scenic as everything is bursting with new leaves and blooms. The town of Athens is less than a four mile drive away.
I feel safe, cozy, and loved. I dislike the politics and religiosity of the area, but pay little to live as I choose, which is worth a lot.
Sounds beautiful, you should share some pictures.
I totally agree with you. I'm home on my north Florida property - not my cup of tea when you talk about mentality of religion and politics. But I truly love my property, all the land, plants, wildlife...
@IrishTommy Definitely!
I can attest to that. I spent a number of years in the suburban Detroit area, and hated life. I currently live in Scottsdale, Arizona. Loving it!
Wondrous and beautiful!
There are still so many places on this planet earth that still makes you realize just how small we are, yet still gets you within awe of life!!!
That view is a stunner and I have no doubt it lifts your mood each time you look at it. Personally I always go for a water view because it calms me when life is stressful. This was the view we had from our little stone cottage in Bermuda when we lived there for 8 years, stressful work but the view made it worth it.
I loved laying on the roof (flat concrete) when I lived in the keys. I would often fall asleep smelling the salt air and listening the the chimes of riggings hitting masts of neighbors sail boats . The warm breeze was sedating.
Will have to take your word for it! I have never loved where I lived or felt totally safe where I lived. :/
@IrishTommy I mean death changes everything and we all gotta die someday
I used to love Wisconsin until the 2008 crash when the motorheads from the flatland took advantage of the underwater real estae market & grabbed a $750K poperty for $300K. Low lifes now have a race track with boys & boys friends with BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ bikes, My West Slope calls to me. Rocky Mountain high. Sell the kids & pack up the house!
Totally agree ! I feel so fortunate - especially now, that I'm surrounded by accessible woods, and animals, and beauty. The weather has also been spectacular lately, making this social isolation thing a bit easier to tolerate. Just being out , anywhere on my modest half-acre is uplifting.
I feel for those in tiny apartments with no easy way to be outside.
Or people cooped up with others they don't particularly want around ... wow.
This is so true. I miss the warm, serene, island lifestyle of the Keys, especially in the Winter. Love the other seasons here with trails and beautiful places to hike. And would really miss seeing bears, deer, skunks, coyote, beavers, and even thr great blue herons I lived in the Keys.
What a beautiful view you have.
I just came across your post and wanted to say that loving where you live can truly do wonders for your peace of mind and mental health. It's like having a sanctuary that brings you joy every day. However, I must admit that there are instances when even being in your preferred location doesn't guarantee an anxiety-free experience. Life can throw curveballs, and stress and anxiety can creep in unexpectedly. During such challenging times, it's crucial to remember that seeking help and support is never a sign of weakness. So, I call a [mental health hotline number]( [] to receive guidance from experts who can offer valuable support. In fact, it takes a great deal of strength to recognize when we need assistance.
No shit, Sherlock!
@IrishTommy or moving somewhere better, right? Lol
@IrishTommy really? no sense of humor in Ireland?
Is that McGillicuddy’s Reeks? I see you live in beautiful Co.Kerry.
@IrishTommy. Yes...I thought it had to be them by the shapes, even though they’re some miles distant. Lovely part of the country, Kerry. I live in Co.Tyrone close to Lough Neagh and the Sperrins...pretty nice here too,
I loved Phoenix and AZ. But I couldn't stay their because of health insurance.
What about it? I love Arizona and have often considered moving there for awhile.