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A Landlord of a Church Locks Doors to Save Lives


sassygirl3869 9 Apr 7

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Sorry I screwed up on the link. Thanks to those who provided links.


Isn't his God supposed to come out of that Church building and save lives instead...


@gearl gave us the right link. And Kudos to the Landlord!


Churches often sublet. In this case, one Christian church (Bethel Open Bible Church, aka, the landlord) did another (Cross Culture Christian Center, aka, the tenant) a favor, even though they didn't appreciate it.


The link ThisLife posted below didn't work for me but I found this one: []

gearl Level 8 Apr 7, 2020

Cudos to the Landlord imho.


I don't like religion, but I hate tyranny.

He should be locked up and charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment.

A real dbag move!

SCal Level 7 Apr 7, 2020

" A real dbag move" you say in these times of Covid 19 running almost rampant across the globe.
Why should religions, ALL religions, be exempted from the Social Distancing, Isolation Rules/Laws AND be declared as being Essential Services when even the bible tells that Jesus said, " Where ever two or more gather to pray and worship, I shall be there, " and the Koran states clearly that, "to pray and worship Allah one only needs a prayer mat on which to knee and worship?'
Ergo, no-one needs a Church, Temple, Mosque, etc, etc, to worship and pray therefore they ARE NOT essential at all since these, so-called, Holy Scriptures themselves say they are not.

@TheMiddleWay What article?

@Triphid You excuse the behavior based on your philosophical thinking. I do not. Violence is violence.

Based on the headline.

I read the full article and I don't see any "tyranny" nor violence. I just see common sense and prioritizing human survival. If the virus was not contagious, they can go to church and die if they want but getting out of church and exponentially passing the virus to so many people is criminal. Furthermore, the Landlord is the very same Bethel Open Bible Church!

@BryanLV What actual 'violence' did the landlord commit other than merely changing the locks on HIS own property?

The people of Sudan, Cuba, Eritrea, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Azerbaijan and others would laugh at your labeling of "tyranny" for a change of lock.

@BryanLV it's also intellectual tyranny that you exercise when YOU decide what is true and rush to insult us for having a different opinion. I don't even know why I bother writing to you. Your mind is totally blocked and you don't even read or think about our opinions.

@Triphid if he is a landlord, it is as much their property as it is his. In fact, they paid for the right of enjoyement and use. Violating these rights by physically locking doors is an act of rights suppression by force, which is indeed violence.

@Triphid, @Merseyman1

It doesnt matter how much you guys soapbox, circle jerk and like each others posts. You were incorrect at first, and you're just moving more into being absolutely wrong.

This is clearly tyranny you choose not to see. It just shows your lack of integrity.

Guy says read article first.

There was no article.

4 people like post saying read article that is not there.

Zero objectivity.


@BryanLV Geez, you powers of observation TRULY amaze me.
Did you not see the correct link to the article posted further down the comments listed or was your Seeing Eye Dog out for a quick whizz at the time?

@BryanLV So, in your opinion IT IS tyranny for a Landlord/home owner to change the locks on his or her property?
Do you even KNOW what the meaning of the "Tyranny" really is by any chance?
Also how about blatant Hubris, arrogance and self-righteousness, do you know the meanings of those words as well, you should, since imho, you are quite adept and well talented in the usage of them.

@BryanLV Err, speaking of 'soapboxes,' do you own the one you are using OR are you just hiring by hour, day, week or month?

@Triphid You didn't notice either. Or had you forgotten that you apologized in this thread.



Imagine you paid your rent in full and your landlord came and changed the locks on your doors.

One of the definitions for tyranny is "cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control."

I would say that this fits that description, easily.

The rest of the descriptors are simply your pompous opinions of me. You know nothing about me. Only a halfwit would be so presumptuous.

I gave my opinion. You've been sopboxing ever since, as though I am not entitled to my own opine.

Now you're resorting to ad hom. The clear mark of someone of low intelligence, with even lower amounts of information.

@BryanLV According to what I read the Landlord changed the locks to PREVENT the spread of Covid !9 through the congregation as per the Self Isolation Rulings enacted for PUBLIC Safety.
Ergo, it was NOT out greed nor 'tyranny' BUT for Public Safety.

Do you think capitalizing words strengthens your arguments? It does not.

Whatever his intentions were, it is my opinion that he violated the actual law and the rights of others to peacefully assemble. He did so intentionally and in the process, violated a contractual agreement he entered into voluntarily.

I view him as a tyrant and a criminal, whatever his intentions were.

@BryanLV Er, just a wee suggestion here but how about hopping down off of your coss for a spell, you never know, some other poor bugger might just like to hang up and have a rest?


I won't be taking any suggestions from you, sir. Good day.


On second thought. I will take your suggestion. Im off. Good evening, sir.


Or he could be tired of waiting to collect his due...


Never understood why, if god is omnipresent why you have to go his house to gave s chat.

Surely he must also be in your back shed!

Actually the bibly discourages public displays as a form of hypocrisim.

@Beowulfsfriend Actually that’s true. Ole Copeland’s on a sticky wicket then


Here is a link. []

Thanks for the link!

@AnneWimsey You're welcome.

sorry I edited the link and screwed it up.

@sassygirl3869 No problem. Thanks for sharing this story of someone with courage and common sense.


He is a hero.


If this is a link it's broken...I'd like to read this story.

thislife, above, posted link that works.


The landlord should lock the building. It is the only thing he can do to legally protect himself.


If the religious only had a brain, instead of infecting so many with mystical BS and now with death!!!!

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