My wife tried to tip a Wallmart cashier $5, but was rebuffed. The cashier said management cautioned them to not take tips. ???
I tried this once and got into trouble from the cashier who said that if they are seen taking something from a shopper it is assumed it is fraud until proven otherwise. It is usually a day or two after the event so there is no way to talk to the purchaser to find it was a gift. So the person gets fired. This was in one store where I knew the checker.
The [practice of "tipping" began after emancipation of our citizens in bondage. As the influx of free people seeking employment skyrocketed, tipping became a means of an owner of the business not having to "employ" someone. They could work for themselves as well as bring in the owners profit on product. No liability for the owner, & "tipping" or "to ensure prompt service" was born. Tipping is fine if one tips big as Howard Stern does. He was once a dishwasher in a restaurant & said he had the best complection around. The women folk will understand.
Tipping is fundamentally about trying buy special treatment, and its coupled with a horrific inequitable economic system in the US. I know your intentions are pure, but i actually agree with Walmart on that one.
When Wart gives a politician $M via a PAC it is legal bribery, and Walmart can expect that politician to be good to them in legislation, often by tax cuts. However, my wife offering $5 to an underpaid Walmart employee, who has already finished bagging and whom she may never see again is not OK. That is hypocrisy by Walmart and incorrect that we expected special treatment. That you accuse my wife of immoral actions is outrageous, and that you do not want to help a minimum wage employee of Wal-Mart, who probably works two jobs and qualifies for food stamps, while risking their life due to coronavirus makes you unempathetic and unethical. IMO you should give considerable thought to right and wrong, and if you continue in your right wing beliefs don't cross me again.
@EdEarl all the security guys who use cameras to monitor the cashiers see, is a cashier taking money. They cannot assume people have good intentions. The tipping system needs to ne replaced. Walmart keeps its prices low and shipping network huge, by being cut throat and exploitative. If you don't like it, shop elsewhere and pay more for a smaller selection.
@EdEarl Ed I sympathize with you, but why is not showing our appreciation good enough? I can savor a moment when someone was so greatful for my efficiency and kindness, for a long time. I realize I can’t pay my bills with it, but it sure keeps my resolve up so that I can carry on. What happens when people are judged on how much tip they lay out? This gets more and more complicated. We need an adequate wage so that tips is not necessary.
Interesting...I guess wal-mart doesn’t want to create a competitive atmosphere.