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The signs my mom made me since she couldn’t attend the protest herself. She did a great job! One is now hanging on my front door. I gave the other to a protester.

Unfortunately, we are getting more and more Covid cases in my small town and my mom is at high risk. I attended it and will now be quarantining for 14 days unless I start my new job soon. Then I will be taking extra precautions as usual.

The last picture is the protest. It was peaceful the whole time and the police walked with us. I’m proud of my small town. ❤️ I wish I could have stayed longer but I have a tendency of passing out in the heat & I felt it coming. If you zoom in you can see me in the front. Kind of in the middle.

1EarthLovingGal 7 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Awesome honey please be careful

bobwjr Level 10 June 6, 2020

Very cool. We need more like you and your mom.


You & Mom GO!


Your mother did a great job!

Here's the sign I made for the George Floyd protest in Wenatchee, WA.


Thank you!


Thank you for realizing the importance of speaking out now. We're in this together. Your mom rocks 😁

Unity Level 8 June 5, 2020

Atlanta Georgia called in the National guard and instead of being the jack booted thugs they wanted them to be they started dancing the Macarena with protesters....


Peace solidarity and justice sister


Your mom is a sign maker extraordinare.


MOM ROCKS! (If I weren't on crutches/in a cast.....)

@1EarthLovingGal Bad cartilage!


You're so lucky to have a mother that cares.


that was you. wearing shorts, right?

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