Aren’t you glad to have this site as an alternative to Facebook?! ?
I stopped any significant use of Facebook long ago, I’m very active on twitter... I’m glad to have this not as an alternative but because it’s very specifically delving into a topic I find important, I conclude much of religion to be damaging but damaging or not I don’t believe we are served by indulging in falsehoods... I have an atheist twitter page that I will continue to be active on, I sit here toggrling between them and my political pages... I like compartmentalizing my interests so when I want to delve deep on a topic nothing is in the way.
FB really got to be a battleground; what a drag. I'm not a picture poster, and I don't suffer others to know every little aspect of my doings (which are not manifold, at any rate), so I've pretty much got my use of it confined to Messenger; and the rare harangue of an errant trumpanzee, not that I believe that does any good, but I just like to stay in practice.
I don't really use facebook anymore after finding this site.
I use the FB atheist groups to find stuff of interest to post here. Other than that, it is pretty depressing to read what is posted there.
Facebook is on shaky ground but that's only because they were found out. I'm of the opinion that as soon as you enter anything about yourself on the internet it is available to anyone who is interested in the data and willing to pay. Fortunately I don't give a rats who knows anything about me.....yes I like animals, nature in general and being nice to's easy
Fb for me has a lot of open-minded atheistic friends and groups so I still enjoy my fb community a great deal.
Yes! I am off FB, have been for a while now and am so happy about it, especially now. I couldn't handle all the ads, which I blocked but it didn't matter because they still popped up, plus all the political b.s. and most of my friends are religious so I didn't fit in.
I kind of need Facebook, it's where my communities for most of my diagnoses hang out. Not many of us Rainbow Zebras on here (that's people with multiple rare disorders).
Fuck yes, its not just an alternative its my main go too sight at the moment.
Its my only site!
I still want to help animals with my art so I stay on FB just about
Yes! Though I'm still on facebook, because so many of my friends and relatives are on there.
Are not I glad? If I respond "yes" does that not mean I am not glad?
I are glad.
Glad... glad, glad, glad... gladiator?
Glad alligator?
Does that not answer the question?
@KimmyKatt That's 250% of my personality, the rest is nonsense and mischief.
YES. I abandoned that dumpster fire long ago.
Around 2010 I got a job building social media components for various websites. I came to find out what kind of data collection policies were in place at Facebook and noped out shortly after.