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So you decide to get it on with someone, and you put your iPhone on "Play all -- shuffle". Things are going great, then THAT song comes on that totally kills the mood! What is THAT song on your phone?

Spooner 6 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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It actually hasnt happened to me as I am usually not the one putting on the music but the birdie song would kill the evening for me . (Or make me laugh )


A weema wep, a weema wep, a weema wep...and you have no idea how hard I had to fight Spell check to post this!!! It became personal, lol!



Wait...I found Cotton Eyed Joe by Rednex in here...I forgot I had that one for my daughter...and the theme from mickey mouse clubhouse (hot diggity dog)

TMBG's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?! Yeah... I think the double-entendre of the line "Come inside, it's fun inside!" would not be lost on me! 😉


I don't play shuffle for that reason.

Yep... lesson learned!


For us, it was "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor! It's from my "ironic" playlist, which I most often break out while working out (Do not underestimate the power of REO Speedwagon's "Keep on Running" when you need that extra energy boost!). We just had to stop 'cause we were laughing so much. "I wish you had a mullet," she said. "Me, too!" 😉


how bout Rubber Ducky?

@btroje yup

I have your teddy. And it's crying.

@BufftonBeotch ummmm. What are you doing to it?

@Rudy1962 That wasn't me. That was Barney. Google what Barney is up to lately. (Well David Joyner)


It was Shaft! We broke out into hysterical laughter.



Boy George's "Do you really want to hurt me?" Yeah, I do. (only because I don't like the song and isn't it a stupid question?)


Who let the dogs out


If we're listening to Sirius and the 1-877-Kars-4-Kids commercial comes on, I'm OUT THE DOOR!


Well, the songs I hate most are not on my phone. Songs I hate include: "Don't worry, be happy," "Money for nothing," and the worst... "We built this city on rock and roll."

I have such an aversion to these songs that when I hear them, I look for a way to get away from the sound. I was in the grocery store checkout line the other day and "We built this city on rock and roll" came on and if my stuff wasn't already on the conveyor belt, I would have considered parking my cart and stepping outside.

Oh gosh, your post should come with a health warning - now can't get those awful songs our of my head! No, I can't get you outa ma head!

@GoldenDoll Now you have me watching Kylie Minogue's video as I type this... I like this song, though 🙂

@MarvelAnn Thank you! I'm not alone!


I have a specific "Halloween" playlist for Trick/Treat night. Any of those might be awkward.

Especially that one associated with "The Omen."

No wait....not all of them. "Werewolves of London" is an awesome song anytime. AhhhHHHoooOOO!

Werewolves would be awesome! I think we'd definitely giggle a little, but get right back into the groove!


Yakkity sax

Ha! A true classic


Anything by Nickelback.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

Shit... that kills ANY mood. Not just a romantic one.

On the plus side, Nickelback has also been known to cause cockroaches and small rodents severe distress, so if you have an infestation it's an easy way to get rid of them.

Just cover your house in one of those fog tents, put a copy of a Nickelback disc on repeat (any one will suffice), and leave. If you want, you can hang out in your driveway to watch the mass exodus.

Was just going to say that...

I've actually never heard Nickelback, but this comment is the straw that broke that camel's back... I'm gonna look them up and listen! They are always cited as one of the worst bands ever!

OK... just heard 3 partial songs on YouTube. Yes... not my cup of tea!

@Spooner I like nickel back the last 4 albums are really good


Firstly, I wouldn't get it on the someone who uses an iPhone. ?

Just kidding, of course. ?

ronak Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

Haha. Same here! Android user here.

iPhone X user


I don't like Mondays..

....these are the days when you wish your bed was already made.

@BufftonBeotch how about Looking through Gary Gilmores Eyes..that was actually 1 of my fav tunes!

@Bierbasstard I'd forgotten about that one. One of the first shootings like that and they are not generally girls.
Is she still in prison?

@Charlene I remember Tommy Lee Jones played him in a movie. It is probably a good thing that we don't glorify killers anymore.

@BufftonBeotch it wasn't a song about him as much as it was a song about a donor that recieved his eyes. He had donated them for transplanting.
The Adverts sung it..


Pretty much anything by The Nobody's. Especially Vaseline And A Magazine....

I don't go out.
No, I don't date.
I stay at home
And masturbate.

I'm not nice.
I don't pretend.
My right hand
Is my girlfriend.

'Cause all I need is vaseline and a magazine.
Ya, all I need is vaseline and a magazine...

That is hilarious


Just took a quick peek. I have "30,000 lbs of Bananas" for some reason.

Scranton, Pennsylvania! lol


Well, what popped into my mind at the question was Rodney Carrington singing "Titties and Beer". If all activity doesn't stop, while someone goes, "WHAT?" then everyone starts laughing and there goes all seriousness out the window.

I'd only ever heard the Zappa version... but yeah, this one'll do the job, too! 😉

His "Show Then To Me" video is a hoot...


"Detachable Penis" by King Missle

ebdb Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Mnaa Mnaa.

(If it’s stuck in your head now I apologize!) ?

Bree Level 4 Apr 7, 2018

Oh gawd... I'd never heard this (the muppets were not very big in the UK when I was young), but... yeah! That song would definitely win the "difficult to strip to" competition!


If you get distracted by a song , you're doing it wrong !!


Fast As A Shark by Accept.....the end of the intro.....

MikaB Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

Lmfao probably Tiny Tim or weird al.

Oh come on! I bet "Tiptoe through the Tulips" would go great with clown makeup! 😉

@Spooner lol!! Yeah... I like to get weird ?


Hell awaits, by slayer.

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