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Which is the more violent holy book?

  • 13 votes
  • 8 votes
Hages 7 Sep 19

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I'll not disrespect one by condemning the other, they're both used for vile purpose.
It's like asking which is worse the eastern diamond back rattlesnake or the western diamond back rattlesnake.
The key is the rattle snake part.

That is a simply brilliant analogy

@Btbd yes, she is lovely. and smart enough to se us and smile at our foolishness. you speak for me, but i don't speak.


Personally, I don't think it makes any difference. Both are works of fiction.
Might as well be asking whether the Harry Potter series has more violence than
The Godfather.


So you want me to spend my time reading & comparing this claptrap? No thanks!


All the best holy books are full of violence. You can't have a decent holy book without a lot of people getting stoned, hung, beheaded and burned. It's necessary if you don't want your god to come off looking like a pussy.


From what I remember the bible has more violent acts but the quran is a shorter book and by percentage of violence per page it wins.


What precise difference does it truly make, both are filled with violence, hatred, misogyny, racism, slavery, rape, pillaging, oppression, subjugation, blood-lust, etc, etc, the list is almost endless.
ergo, IF that is what being 'Holy' means then I'll stay exactly what I am thank you, a Heathen, Pagan, Non-believing Devil's Pawn.


The bibly is by far more explicitly violent.

Check ‘em out!!


Because I haven't read the Quran. I'm pretty sure it's just as violent based on the fact it's religious.


I'm not familiar with the Quran. It'll be interesting to see the results of your poll. I can't imagine anything being more violent than the so-called Holy Bible. 🤮


What difference does it make. And then addition to that which version of the Bible? I mean after all there's a whole shitload of different versions. 🤔


The Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. Savage!


they are all bullshit

I agree


I have heard that they are actually the same text, just in different forms.


I once saw a knife fight between the two. Both were very violent and soon realized they have more to win by cooperating cynically. Just like uneasy cartel partners


Focusing on the negative is toxic and draining.


I have no idea. I’d have to read them to have an opinion.



The quran has fewer words/passages. 3/4+ violent;;;;;

Islam is evil.... Darkness..... 1400 years of spreading by the sword, and suppression. We should stop it now.


All of them.


Both really, But I chose Quran because of Sharia Law. That's leans it over a Little


Both would be more useful to wipe our asses with than anything else, especially during a shortage of toilet paper!


Given that currently those who follow the Qur'an commit hundreds of times more atrocities than do those who follow the Bible, it is reasonable to assume that the Qur'an is somewhat violence-inducing.

@creative51 Ignoring the evidence is SOP for post-modern leftists.


well, first off if you take out the word 'Holy' in which I really think is apt, then you are left with a few tales of some fuckery that doesn't make sense.

And to farther. All three. the torrah, Koran,and the old testimant, are all of the same. All have mentioned the 'great flood', and then they all go by the GOD of Abraham, or Abram in early texts. All of them are the same, up until the new testamant`, or where the Torrah ends, and where the koran starts with Mohamad Idocy at it's finest. lol. 🙂


I picked the Bible only because I've read it and studied it so I'm mostly familiar with it.
I have also read the quran, however, didn't study it as well as the bible, but, both books are pretty violent in in nature and there should be a all the above selection.

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