28 18

Well I'll darned, just got a a very earnest and most unexpected APOLOGY of all things from Evangeloon neighbour.
First he offered up his most sincere apology for abusing me when he fell off his very make-shift scaffold the other week and begged my forgiveness.
Then, shock of shocks, he APOLOGISED for the way and manner in which his mother spoke tome, expected me to be his full-time carer, personal Taxi Driver and Guard, etc, etc, and her offering me $50 per week as a payment.
And next was yet another apology for ALL the shit, trouble, etc, etc, he has caused me and that, in his words, " He intends to deliver the same apology to everyone in the neighbourhood."
Blimey, did I miss something or is this because the Asteroid actually broke up as whizzed by the other day and a bit of it hit on the place, my guess not his head, where his brain resides?

Triphid 9 Sep 25

Enjoy being online again!

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"Tales of the Evangeloon". by Mr Triphid. A story about a dysfunctional neighbor and the stupidity surrounding them.


See there must be a god, after all this is a miracle.

Not a chance, I'm thinking he'll wanting/asking me for some kind of help with his ridiculous 'construction' projects around his yard OR he's trying get on my good side and get me to take him back out where I go so he can get firewood, 2 chances of that happening, i.e. Buckley's and Bugger All.


Nice apology, long overdue.
Keep your guard up.

With him, always have and always will.


Maybe when he fell he saw gawd. lol

Nope, but I'd reckon that he saw a few stars at least....LOL.


maybe when he was in hospital he got meds/med adjustment?


beware, they're going to be wanting something. Nobody turns nice for nothing.


It's 2020 weird shit happening

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 26, 2020

Well in a way I'm glad it's turning out well for you yes it's a possibility that asteroid piece hit him where he thinks, but I still think you should have left the chainsaw running.😝


Five days in hospital can be terribly boring. Perhaps he finally started to use his grey cell, even if only a teensy-weensy bit.

And as for his mother offering you $50/week to be his full time carer etc, I can quite see why he is so socially handicapped.

My guess is that his 'social handicapping' is NOT the end result of the actions/lack actions from his mother but rather from ,
a) his past (and present probably) very heavy usages of illicit drugs and alcohol, ( which btw, he claims Jesus has cured of using ),
b) his complete and total immersion into all these Evangelic style religions, etc, combined with,
c) his arrogance that, to use his very own words, " He knows best, he has been and done everything, comes from the East Coast of Australia and IS NOT some country hick."

@Triphid You are quite correct imho. Behaviour such as his often has multiple causes.


Will you ever recover from shock?

Not in shock as such but still holding firm to the Latin saying Caveat Emptor, Let the buyer beware, i.e. given past experiences with Evangeloon I'd only trust him as far I can throw him and that's not very far at all.
He has repeatedly shown his 'habit' of being 'Mr. Nice Guy' when he wants help with something, etc, but as soon as he gets it he does the Jekyll and Hyde bit usually when your back is turned.

@Triphid Oh I know he could never be trusted. I was just being a smartass.


Small wins, take them when you can.


He's changed. Maybe. ROll with it

twill Level 7 Sep 26, 2020

Isn't that supposed to end with "Nah, just kidding!"?


There hope for everybody. Just be wary of backsliding.

@Green_Soldier71 No I meant Evangeloon, not Triphid.

I most sincerely doubt that there is much of him changing, after all, even a leopard can't change its spots, can it.


A miracle 😄😄😄


I think the taxi driver / guard offer is approaching once again

@ chances also of me falling for that one, i.e. Bugger All and S.F.A. ( Sweet Fuck All).


I would be very suspicious for a while but as someone suggested, 12 step programs?????

My 'suspicion' meter is always on High Alert Level when it come to Evangeloon.


Not sure if that is good or bad.


Maybe joined a 12 step program?


Take them when you can get them. Who knows he might turn over a whole new leaf.


...or perhaps he just woke up as himself for the first day in his life! 😂 ...and realised "damnn all the unpleasantness I've caused", how disgraceful!...and did the right thing by facing up, manning up and apologised, including for his mother's bizarre offer (order) and bossy behaviour. Perhaps the son is the bruised apple in the saying, "the apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree".


I've never seen a Jeezus cult member apologize. It's blasphemous for them to admit any fault.


This sounds like a scam...Hes trying to con you somehow

My sentiments exactly.


Sounds like joined AA or sommat like it.

Nah, he doesn't need anything like that, as he tells everyone "He has Jeebus and Gawd on his side."


Of course, a brief deviation in a set behavior pattern does not mean that the personality disorder has changed or gone away. It means the person possessing it is getting more adept at cloaking it.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 27, 2020

You did not say: Did you forgive him? 🙂

I merely responded with " I'll think about it."

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