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I enjoy walking through old cemeteries, do YOU?

Marmalade23 3 Apr 10

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It depends on what time of day it is. While I totally don’t believe in ghosts, at night—in an old graveyard—I’m a little more open-minded.


I love them. I've geocached them often


There are "other things" I've enjoyed in old cemeteries.


Yes very much and as a photographer I am always on the lookout for beautiful statuary and ironwork.


I used to ice skate in one next to my ex-in-laws.


Yes. Fascinated with the history they contain.


Wow! Finally, somebody I can admit that to. I always go visit cemetaries in new places. My all time favorite, so far, is St. Bonaventure Cemetary in Savannah, Georgia, It is stunning in design and famous graves. I went there mainly to see the grave of Little Martha, made famous by the Allman Brothers

This year I'll be visiting New Orleans and the cemetary from Easy Riders.

the older the better, I worked on a historical cemetary in my area, cleaning it up. Learned a lot.


Yes, absolutely.


Looking for rare bugs under tombstone is not ok with curators.


I love graveyards. Not only do they contain real history, they remind us of our ultimate fate. As a christian I was terrified of cemeteries, but I now feel at ease, even comfortable amongst the dead.

I'm fairly curious about our unavoidable fates. Death will come for us all, so I need to buy an awesome headstone while I'm still here.


Around the turn of the 20th cetury, Cemeteries were being designed as memorial parks, the idea being that families could go and spend extended time with the departed. I've always found cemeteries to be beautiful, interesting and full of history if you're willing to dig (yeah, I see what I did there). For me there's not many things more relaxing than a walk around a cemetery.


Yes. I live not far from Plymouth, Ma. where the oldest cemeteries in the country exist. It's absolutely amazing to go through and read the stones. I've been to the graves of Myles Standish, John Alden, and Pocohontas. All from the early/mid 1600's


LOVE it. We have a lot of old cemetaries in New England and I visit several every summer and fall.


Yes. I find the history fascinating. Every cemetery is a reflection of the community. I've been the Director at 7 of our national cemeteries.


I can see that, its a peaceful stroll......


Same! Especially after a heavy rain - the clouds are still gray and low, the air is colder, puddles sit at peace reflecting the's hauntingly beautiful.


Sounds cool


I enjoy old cemeteries in general. When i visit relatives at the cemetery here I often end up trying to find the oldest headstones, some of which date back to the 1700's here. I then think of how much my town sucks and wonder how much more it probably sucked in the 1700's.



JimG Level 8 May 1, 2018

I was actually married in one a long time ago


I was actually married in one a long time ago


Yes and old churches too




Yes, because of the old growth trees, lack of people, etc., so they are great places for photographing migrating birds. The old Lexington, KY, cemetery also has ponds and flowering ornamental trees, so is also beautiful in spring, and bird groups routinely go there.


I loved the 'pere la chaise' (sp?) cemetary in Paris, it is so old and there are such beutiful enamelled likenesses on the stones everythign is falling apart and it seems such a wild unrly place - The people from the Paris Commune are buried there - I also like Higate cemetary adn there is one in Newcastle upon Tyne somewhere in Jesmond that has a childrens plot which is so well tended.

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