13 7

Ugh. Why are there religious people on this site? Is there nowhere in this world I can go to for refuge and to feel like I'm truly among my peeps!? Irritating to no end. 🙄

antireligious 5 Oct 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree. They have their god sites. Let them go there!


This week I posted in the Senate here that I believed it was time for a question to be added to the profile questions, basically "Are you religious and do you intend to preach here? " If "yes" then you cannot join, and if "no" and you preach then you can be removed. Actually, not many supported the suggestion, which was disappointing but not surprising. We are too Woke here apparently to think that a site for the non religious might actually not want God botherers here.

Anyway, I agree with you.


I don't think all discussion here are about helping widows and orphans while avoiding worldly corruption.

Word Level 8 Oct 23, 2020

People window shop in all different types of sites ,who knows


Maybe they want to begin a journey to sanity? So we should reach out, right?
Maybe they are following a mandate to " save" us? Perhaps we can quote their babble back at them in a way which either makes them think, or leave & never come back....
Eitger way, not going to become a Site Police, nor do I want anyone to be!

@antireligious everyone needs a friend sometimes, but also at times only strangers can help you.


Don't get mad, get even. Let's invade their sites too!



I enjoy insulting them and their beliefs.

You betcha! There is never enough chance to be snarky!


The self-entitled believe they belong everywhere.


Religious trolls.

The block button is your friend.


Then report and block them.


Yep, religious people on a website that claims to be for nonreligious people, supported by the apologists. Ridiculous.


It's funny when they speak their nonsense here. They get hit by an avalanche of logic.


Surprisingly enough there are those amongst us that enjoy having them pop by. It used to annoy me too, but more established members pointed out that they seldom linger 🙂


I guess they feel they have to go where there is the greatest need for salvation. In their mind this is the place.

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