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Only certain people threaten you will go to hell

St-Sinner 9 Dec 30

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well if I don't have to put up with those misogynistic asshats. I got sunglasses, a full tank of gas, a fifth of rum(for when I get there), and a copy of ac/dc black album(among others) so I'm on the highway to hell.


And all of these DumbF**ks have never realized that 'Hell' is a CONCEPT INVENTED solely to keep the Peasants under the control of the Lords, Masters and the Church.
The idea of 'Hell' was invented by the Holy Roman Catholic Empire circa 700-850 C.E. and was derived from the reference to a place outside of Jerusalem, a communal Rubbish Tip know as Gehenna that burned day and night.


To put it another way.........

Wonderful, wonderful!

1 judaism islam and Hindu religion have a hell? I distinctly remember a Jewish friend say they don't have a hell....

Hinduism has hell and I have lived it in India. I am sure Islam has hell because they always say all infidels (we all) are going to hell.

@St-Sinner i think you better recheck you facts. I asked my indian relatives and they said a definitive NO. And they go to temple and are very devout folks. If youre thinking of naraka, i looked that up, and it is not hell, but more closer to st. Peters gate, a place of judgement, but instead of entering heaven, you get reincarnated as either a higher or lower form of life based on your karma.


My facts are good. When you are devout, you have a good justification of everything.

In Hinduism there are no definitive answers on anything. From people to people, place to place, there is different interpretation of everything.

@St-Sinner dismissing a persons mainstream religious knowledge because they are following a mainstream religion - that's very stupid of you to do. They are religious scholars and teach hindu scriptures...forgive me if I take their words over yours dumb ass ignorant ones.
They say the predominant mainstream beliefs of the Hindu religion does not have an equivalent of a Christian hell - a place after death meant for evil people. I am told It is the deeds that are evil or good, not the individual spirit which is considered part of Bramha, the universal spirit. Hell conceptually doesnt fit into the mainstream Hindu view of the atma (soul) and karma (deed).


You are a Western Idiot who has Romantic views of Eastern things, half baked knowledge and are now trying to teach an India born Brahmin who spent his childhood chanting Sanskrit scriptures, had a sacred thread ceremony and who knows enough about Hinduism to say that you are a moron.

You are telling me mainstream knowledge of religion is believable? The very existence of this platform and its members here is to dismiss and deny Gods and all the BS built around it.

There are number and names of hells in Hinduism and sinners are sent to a particular hell.... it all varies from text to text, however, many scriptures describe 28 hells. The Manu Smriti mentions 21 hells. The Vishnu Purana mentions 28. The Agni Purana mentions only 4 hells. Some texts mention 7 hells: Put ("childless", for the childless), Avichi ("waveless", for those waiting for reincarnation), Samhata ("abandoned", for evil beings), Tamisra ("darkness", where darkness of hells begin), Rijisha ("expelled", where torments of hell begin), Kudmala ("leprous", the worst hell for those who are going to be reincarnated) and Kakola ("black poison", the bottomless pit, for those who are eternally condemned to hell and have no chance of reincarnation). Some of these 28 hells are more horrific and torturous than the Christian hell such as Dandasuka (snakes) - Filled with envy and fury, Shulaprota (pierced by sharp pointed spear/dart), Ksarakardama (acidic/saline mud/filth), Puyoda (water of pus), Kumbhipaka (cooked in a pot) etc.

Hell is hell where there is pain, there is tormenting, there is torture and that is not a desirable place for any Hindu. The threat of hell by the religion to devotees is as common in Hinduism as it is in other religions. But the definition and nature do not have to be equivalent to anything anywhere. That was not the discussion of the post. The question was whether Hinduism has hell or not. The answer is yes. That's all. This is not a theology discussion. We make fun, tease and ridicule religion here.

Now you can take all mainstream knowledge of your fucking relatives, roll it up and shove it in your ass. Don't ever go out to debate a native with your half baked knowledge about something as profound as religion based on the knowledge of your ass-hat relatives overseas.

@St-Sinner lol still wrong bro. It not hinduism, but the Laws of Manu. Or interpretations by Manu of Hindu scripture to create his version.That stuff is from manu smriti and is not used by most practicing Hindus as official religious beliefs except for a few Brahmins in the North. Ya failed again, dum dum!
From the Wiki.:
"Scholars doubt Manusmriti was ever administered as law text in ancient or medieval Hindu society. David Buxbaum states, "in the opinion of the best contemporary orientalists, it [Manusmriti] does not, as a whole, represent a set of rules ever actually administered in Hindustan. It is in great part an ideal picture of that which, in the view of a Brahmin, ought to be law".[74]
Donald Davis writes, "there is no historical evidence for either an active propagation or implementation of Dharmasastra [Manusmriti] by a ruler or any state – as distinct from other forms of recognizing, respecting and using the text. Thinking of Dharmasastra as a legal code and of its authors as lawgivers is thus a serious misunderstanding of its history".[75]"


This is not a theology discussion, especially based on your internet knowledge of what Hinduism is of which you have no understanding. Did you not consult your half ass devout relatives overseas?

The question was does Hinduism has hell? The answer is yes and it is as bad a Christian hell and some worse.


According to my stepdad I was once going to "split hell wide open."

Was that because of religion or you not believing in it?

Will Satan greet us when we get there? I hope so.


I will be there.

Don't worry about the heat. You won't be able to get close to the fire.

@UrsiMajor Cant wait!! Gonna be lots of fun!! Hopefully his bros Beelzebub, Belial and Baphomet will be along as well!!


I think that it would be more accurate to say that all of them continue to create a hell on earth with the promise of a wonderful afterlife for the faithful in heaven or paradise. However, if such a perfect place exists as the followers are led to believe then why are they not making all haste to get there today, I wonder. Clearly, the leaders of the various religions are regarded as exemplary figures by their followers but it seems that even they are in no hurry to get to heaven or paradise, I don't wonder why.


This reminds me of the story about a bonus question on an exam: Is hell endothermic or exothermic? It's the part about all religiouns condemning members of other religions tto hell.


I guess that makes the Jehovah's Witnesses the nice ones - to them we just cease to be. 😆

Less birthdays to remember.

There's plenty to dislike about the Witnesses but yes, the lack of a hell is an unusually humane feature of their religion.


There is no heaven and hell for crying out loud.

I only cry out loud when I smash a finger with a hammer.


Seems like a lot more than these clowns


That sounds like my old GPS. It would tell me to turn into the side of a mountain or drive through a river. While it might be fun, that's not my destination.

I have one of those in my RV, wouldn't change it for the world....some of the best views, best food, scenic events, double-savored because I knew I could Never find them again! But yes, guard against the left turn through the guardrail & into the swamp...I never used it at night!

It must have been the same version! Betsy would try to get me to drive into coal mines and take a slight left over the Alps. You are spot on about not using it at night!


"All hope abandon, ye who enter here." - Dante Alighieri had it backwards. Despair for the future of humanity, based on its current direction, creates Hell for the living.



I believe in Mr. Tickles! And parmesan cheese, interesting rocks, and that vintage British motorcycles only run when going downhill.

At least nobody has flown a plane in to a building shouting Mr. Tickles is Great

@Holysocks Hey, take it easy on the Brit Motorbikes please.
I owned and rode a B.S.A. 500 cc Y.B 33 model single that I re-built from a trailer load of bits and pieces, she ran like a Greyhound on Steroids both up hills, down them and went like the wind.
Old Betsy and I would challenge and beat the best 'super' bikes in town every Saturday night in races on the " Mad Mile", a straight stretch of Highway just outside of town.
Jeez, we were always 'generous' enough to even give them a 4 seconds head start and still leave them far behind as we crossed the finish line.

I apologise. My Triumph was fun until it came to a hill.

@Holysocks Triumph with No Triumph....LOL.
Old Betsy needed to run on a mix of 1 part Shell AAA Racing fuel to 3 parts Standard grade fuel to get the best performance, otherwise she'd sound like a badly tunes lawnmower.
But hey, that's the price for a Compression ratio of 12.5 to 1 I suppose combined with a cast metal dome-headed piston.
As learned much later on, Betsy was 1 of only 150 Y.B. 33's built solely for the T.T. and Isle Mann Racing Circuits.
Took a bit of nous to get her up to Standards for Registration in Australia but it WAS worth ever second spent.

It sounds like it was fun. Every time I owned a British bike or car, it was a love to hate relationship. I would thoroughly love to hate another one.

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