Is any of this real? I decided to call my cousin today to tell him of my battle with COVID-19. His wife says he is in a nursing home fighting his own battle with it, and before that he was in the hospital. Now she is the only one living in the boonies at a remote address. She does not sound right and I fear for her. I felt like calling my older cousin to tell him this, but I'm sure they are much aware. Then there is the awareness that this other cousin will want to bring an invisible man into the picture. He may even remind me of when I believed in his being. WTF?
I have others that I know and could share concerns with. Having a concern is not the same as a fear. My long time religious friend is also a winter lover and he told me to have no fear of snow, ice, and falling limbs because I have insurance. I don't think I am in the right world here. Finding "like people" is almost impossible. Using my insurance is not a goal of having such insurance. I thrive in 65 to 84 degree weather.
I'm becoming aware that I have nobody to interact with. Pandemic and quarantine are getting old. I see why people bow their head and close their eyes (I can't see you and you cannot see me) to talk to an imaginary being. The disturbing thing is that everyone around me is also doing this in their own way. It gets worse when I realize that everything has been this way my entire life.
going from gnostic to agnostic is hard, and reverting is fairly easy, i guess; i still revert fairly often anyway. As to para two, one need not believe in a Supreme Being to leave the world, i don't think. Do you have to agree with ppl to interact with them?
Arent those who bow their heads and close their eyes praying in a public space, and not in a closet? That makes them hypocrites, doesnt it?
I cannot imagine how people who are living in REpublican controlled States are managing. I have been looking at the Statistics and doing some research on the Internet. The unemployment level is over 26% Nation wide, the economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer, the rich have gained 1.5 trillion dollars in the past year, that means that the poor have been robbed by this amount. It is impossible for someone to make that much money from their labor, which means that those who did labor gave that to the rich. Where else would it have come from?
I have folks that handle difficulties the same way , in my family. I just try to keep communications open and stay focused on
what would improve the situation. There the common ground( although small ) gives me comfort- not peace of mind. I pick battles that
I could make a difference in ,otherwise energy is wasted .Hang in there...
The only thing you can do, is try to support your cousin and his wife in what, perhaps small way, you can. Because few of us can change the world much, but if, all of us, just did what we can, for those we meet, (Forget the big picture.) and sadly very few do, then the world would become a far better place.
I feel for ya bro. Look, we all have mountains to get over from time to time. Hope you feel better soon.
Have you been following the discussions on the other treatments like Vitamins and other meds some Dr have discussed?
Whatever reality is, what we have is an interpretation of it. Our sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell can all be fooled, and our brains assemble sensory input together the best it can. Sometimes, the paradigm we create to understand the world seems to be correct in one situation but it doesn't mesh with what appears to be correct in another - sort of like pictures of a paradox. Concentrating on one part of it appears reasonable but the depiction as a whole isn't. Hang in there, such illogical conundrums are not uncommon, but they don't mean you are crazy. At least you can see the conumdrum and resolving them is sometning you want accomplished. Unfortunately, they may not be solvable any time soon, especially when others are involved dedicated to ignoring or obfuscating what you have realized.
You have been alone too long, methinks.
Get a dog?
And Please call someone about your cousins' wife, do not Assume anyone knows she is in distress!!!!.