There are multitude of religions praying to each of their gods to stop covid 19 from killing people but to date the death count for covid 19 is almost 2 million. Guess their prayers are not effective at all.
Most of the religions are apocalyptic so it isn't surprising that they deflect the question that would force them to admit that what they really are is a death cult.
I always like to say - open both hands, pray into one, shit into the other, and see which one fills up faster.
If prayer worked, the Black Death and the Holocaust would be minor footnotes in history books
I wonder if praying as to go through some kind of heavenly call center? Or perhaps they have a office system where different prayers have to go to different departments. The covid prayers are perhaps in someones in box now or being shuffled from illnes and general sickness department to plagues and pandemics. Or as it is so huge they need to set up a special covid deparment and the various heavenly beings are trying not to get stuck with the job. Just like a lot of problems in life it is caused by admin getting it wrong. Ok now i need more coffee
How can you say prayer is ineffective? Just imagine what the death toll would be if they stayed at home instead of gathering to pray.
No, if not for the prayers that number would be 3M or 7M, or 10M!! God is merciful.
Perhaps people will see that prayers is just a waste of time. Can anyone name an instance when prayer alone has led to any solution to a problem or made a discovery that helped mankind?
That's because they are all praying to the wrong god. As far as I know, nobody is praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH).