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Anyone else feel guilty if they disturb their pet? My dog is laying on a blanket I’m trying to crochet. If it was one of my human children I totally would have moved them. But my dog???? No....

Marcie1974 8 Apr 14

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Does he bite?

Lol never


No. As a matter of fact scaring my cat awake and having it jump three feet in the air is kind of a hoot.


there is that!


Well, I move them, a bit...but with profuse apologies!


I've never done that with any of my cats.



What a sweet baby! How can you disturb him. I used to do that with my previous cat. I'd be crocheting, she'd be warm on my lap, and at the end of the row I'd pick her up, turn the afghan around, cuddle with her and get her settled back down, and repeat. We could do that for hours.

You disturbed a cat? Tut! (even if you did then cuddle it.) I wouldn't dare move in bed all night for for fear of disturbing my moggy.

@Petter know that feeling. Will nudge partner, but not puss ☺️

@Stevil, @Petter Miss Millie was my heart cat. I may love other cats, but I will always love her best. She was very people bonded. She slept up against me almost every night. She would tuck herself under my chin and purr as I fell asleep. If I sat in a chair she was next to me or on my lap. She was the Millennium Kitten, born in 2000.

@HippieChick58 @tilia My favourite cat was a massive, completely black Persian. She would crawl under the sheet and blanket, to lie beside me, with her head on my shoulder, if I was lying on my back, or side. Many a night I was trapped, unable to move for fear of disturbing her slumbers. At that time I had a bachelor flat ib town, and every morning, if I was not out of bed by 7.30 she would lick me under the armpit - far more effective than any alarm clock! However, she never woke me on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays. For quite a while I was puzzled as to how she knew it was the weekend or a holiday before it dawned on me. I lived in town and the cat had worked out that whenever the traffic built up my routine was to get out of bed!

@Petter That is soooo coool. Miss Millie also liked being under the covers. Mills was not a good alarm clock, she liked to snuggle even more when I had to roll out of bed. It was an odd feeling to wake up in the morning without here in bed with me.

@Stevil surely you know that tuna farts are signs of true love!


Now he walked into the other room and I’m jealous he left me, lol


I have the same problem when I crochet. My Dexter Morgan likes to 'help.' #TheStruggleIsReal

@babsy Thanks! He thinks so too! I have NO idea how he got so damned spoiled.


What ? Move the cat ? He only just got comfortable after a half hour of "will I, won't I?" scratch, turn, I am stuck here by a force stronger than gravity......and he loves me !

Tilia Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

I will not move her if she's already comfy.
She does no wrong of course.


Just need to have a few treats on hand.

godef Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

Eh, for about half a second, maybe. The wee buggers have no worry about farting in my face; why should moving them 6 inches bother me? Handsome pup you got there, btw.


No, they sleep constantly. they require periodic disturbing.


You were tested. And Failed. Sucker.


No, my cat always is waking me up for something. So I don't feel guilty at all for pulling her out of a deep sleep and cuddling her.


All pets should learn the "You, move!" command. They don't care what they're sitting on as long as they're with you.

Mine even follows me into the bathroom. It’s like having toddlers again, lol


That's because dogs are, for some reason, our forever loyal companions. Children are magic. But dogs are innocent and precious. A dog won't learn rude behaviours by being spoiled, a child will (doesn't stop me from doing it from time to time though)

But all pets can learn to be spoiled by excessive over-indulgence. By the way, are you saying you spoil a dog or spoil a child? 🙂


Awe, your dog is cute.


Pets are well behaved members of the family and deserve respect. Children are just animals!!! 🙂 🙂


What a sweetie! I have an eleven year old dog and a twelve year old dog, and I do my best to not disturb them especially when they are sleeping.

My guy will be 11 this month but you’d never know it the way he hops like a bunny through the snow! Lol


I try not to. Eventually I have to and they have to get over it.


Just came across this lol!


Yup! I hate having to move my puppy. She looks at me like I've stabbed her in the heart with a dagger.


Yes I desperately try to work around my cat.


I'm with you all the way. Your kids are going to wreck your car and marry someone you don't like. Your dog is just going to love you. 🙂


Yes I suffer from the same problem. My cat is lying on my lap as I watch TV, I always wait until she moves before I do !!!


Yes I suffer from the same problem. My cat is lying on my lap as I watch TV, I always wait until she moves before I do !!!

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