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I wonder what they'll do on March 4th when they realize Trump won't get put back in power...

‘It’s Going to Be Like Myanmar.’ Trump Cult Convinced Military Coup Will Put Him Back in Office


Dyl1983 8 Mar 3

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Imo, tRUMPmania will not abate until tRump is brought down completely and utterly.
ANY death of tRump would ONLY serve, imo, to make him a Martyr to idiots that support and follow him blindly, far, far better to expose him, his insanity, dirty dealings, etc, etc, PUBLICLY once and for all time with the extremest of prejudices possible and NO Holds Barred as well.
And while they are at it, hunt down and Prosecute every known or as yet unknown tRumpaneze Agitator/Leader, charge and convict them of Inciting Treason.
As a Psychologist, imo, 'Wannabe's such as tRump, etc, NEED Notoriety, etc, to thrive and Survive, ignominity, disgrace, dishonour, etc, are their Nemeses, deprive them of ALL that they need to thrive and then watch as they slowly shrivel up and fade away in to nothingness.


Part of me really wants to see every one of those morons suffer the consequences of their abject gullibility and deliberate ignorance.
A really BIG part.

The herd needs thinning. Can't count on Covid to get that done.


My expectation is that absolutely nothing significant will happen on March 4th.

But I hope these traitorous trump-worshipping lunatics really do try something so that they can be arrested and thrown in prison where they belong.


There are now updated books being published addressing the approach to deprograming folks from the cult. Rarely do cults become this large. Larger than the super churches . Think of fanatics, mass hysteria. Results in a stampede like lemmings over a cliff, or fades away like a teen fad. No one ever when bankrupt underestimating the stupidity of the American public. Except for you know who. He could bankrupt the morals of the Christ. Great job....PUTIN!


This has to stop. SMH I wonder if/when it will.

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