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I can't see if it has already been posted. If it has, forgive me. 🙂

Unicorn85 5 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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This is good, but all it indicates is a rejection of dogma and not necessarily a rejection of religious belief, which by itself can still be toxic. Still, a step in the right direction.


No problem.


This being Easter, I forgive you because you know not what you do.
And don't worry, your post will reappear in three days...

With Easter upon us I am reminded that this holiday comes at different times over the years and on different days. It brings up the question of when did Jesus come alive again and come out of the tomb? Obviously there is no one particular day that it happened. Check some calendars in different years and you see Jesus and his big day varying by over a week. Oh, well. They didn't know when he was born either.

@DenoPenno ummmmm, who?

@AnneWimsey I'm saying that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is tied to a holiday that has different dates yearly. To me this would make it all a myth. When did he die? When did he arise? The event carries no reality.

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