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Talk to a devout Christian and they'll tell you theirs is a religion of brotherly love and forgiveness. Converse with a pious Muslim and you'll be informed Islam is a religion of peace. And yet they both also believe in the doctrine of eternal damnation, which kinda, sorta sounds like a genocide fantasy to me. exactly do you "peacefully" torture somebody in the spirit of "love" and "forgiveness"? Isn't torture an egregious violation of human rights and human dignity? What am I missing here?

NostraDumbass 7 Apr 26

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They aren't peaceful religions, they are actually about war and clan rivalries, and cultural appropriation and domination through mass cultural brain washing.. actually i can only speak for the christian crap i grew up with but it's all about war and dominion.


Reality? 🤔


What you are missing is that both the devout Christian and the pious Muslim are both suffering from catastrophic disorders of cognition.


In my most honest opinion, the Religiotards would NOT know Love, Compassion, etc, etc, EVEN if it got up and bit them on the arse.


well I guess both like to insist that “eternal” means forever, even though that cannot be supported by either of their Books
Aion - “A space of time; an age”
aion being the root that “eternal” is usually/always derived from


What you're missing here is that both believe that God cannot be judged by human values. "Human rights" and "human dignity" are concepts that are only valuable to humans. In the same way that the "lower" animals are thought to be below such concepts, so too is God thought to be above them.

But wait! Here's where that philosophy becomes useful and fun! Once you declare God outside of - and exempt from - such human values, you can imagine him "rightly" doing all the stuff that you know, deep down, is really wrong.

ah like what, exactly? I’m not able to come up with even a “bad” example for that, in my head

A couple of examples: we humans (most of us) know that it's wrong to murder. But gods get to do it because they are above and exempt from human morals.

We humans know that it's wrong to impregnate a woman without her (or, more often, her father's) consent. Gods get a pass on this also.

Both of these examples are enjoyed by people who, deep down, long to do the same. Their own morals stop them from doing so - and hooray for that! - but they sure do enjoy imagining gods doing so.

That last question in my post was tongue-in-cheek. I myself would answer it in one word😀oublethink (as per George Orwell’s definition in 1984). But you gave the classic apologetic response, which in turn leads to the Moral Incoherence of God rebuttal. We are given the gift of reason by our creator, which then utterly fails us when trying to understand His ways and means. This failure then inevitably leads many towards skepticism and unbelief. And yet we are continually told that God desires all should know him so that none may perish. Oh what a tangled web these Christians weave.

good point. also kind of like how cops act like they are above the law? what a good example religion sets.


It's funny, that they all proclaim forgiveness and love and peace to get you into the fold, and then they heap a shit load of rules and condemnations on you once they have you in. Always made me wonder what happened to all that love and forgiveness they told me about. They spend a lot of time telling you how unworthy you are and they seem to go out of their way to make you feel like a piece of shit, BUT! You are loved and you are forgiven. Religion is a shit hole that you and everyone need to stay away from. They are two-faced liars and hypocrites and they are by my definition evil as all hell.

The Bible calls that seething a kid in its mother’s milk fwiw

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