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I just sneezed at work and a few people replied bless you, which I say as well when someone sneezes.

What do yall say? What can the athiest reply to a sneeze, if there ever were one.

Davidthinks 7 Apr 16

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Say...thank you for being concerned about my health.


It has always puzzled me why anyone feels compelled to say anything when someone sneezes. What do you say when someone farts?

That's exactly how I feel. It's also really odd that people get so offended if you don't thank them for acknowledging that you shot snot out of your face, lol.

I feel compelled, because all my life, my mother has said bless you after I sneeze since a small child so it has just become an automatic thing for me... I believe her mother did the same as well to her but I have no idea of the origin and it is odd to think about

Great point! I will now say "Bless You" when someone farts...

When someone farts you say " you "

"You'll ruin your underwear if you keep that up! "

@AtheistInNC, now that I like. LOL!


"Jesus Fuck! There's goes my soul!! SOMEONE CATCH IT!!"

This made my day.

@ArthurPhillips hah, thanks, I try!


I say goblets, it normally isn’t noticed, lol

That's good! You have just inspired me to try saying giblets...


How about “dang, I bet that must have hurt!” It shows empathy. ?


Ok ok, completely unrelated, but MLK's last speech featured sneezing. It's a good speech but fucking ominous. So I'm going to sneak this one in on your topic.

JeffB Level 6 Apr 16, 2018

I say bless you. It's automatic - I don't think too much about it and I don't see the big deal. To me it's the same as saying "OMG" or "holy shit".

I concur. A person can say words that have religious connotations and not actually mean the religious part of it. It’s just something I’ve always said.


Since a small child I have always said "blush you me" after sneezing. I know now that I said "bless you" wrong after all these years but I still say "blush you" and it totally fits for me because I am not religious ?


Why bother its just a natural body function.


Used to have a co-worker that had to bless every sneeze. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And if someone else was closer to the sneezer, but failed to bless the sneeze, he would literally yell across the room "BLESS YOUUUUU" UGHHHH!?

Sounds annoying but kinda funny too.


Salud is Spanish and basically means "good health." It's often used as a pre meal toast, but also in this specific context.

When I feel like being a smartass, I ask them if they got the demon out, because this actually stems from the pagan belief that a demon was causing your cold/sneeze. Just another classic case of Christian reappropriation.

Salud is good.


I just say bless you. It doesn’t mean that I’m actually praying to God that he blesses a person because he shot some spit and snot out. It’s just a response that I’ve been conditioned to reply when I hear someone sneeze.


I say Salud. Which is Spanish for to your health.


Guzundtheit-at least its in German lol


As I understand it, it came about from people thinking that you soul was exposed to demons when you sneeze. Christians don't believe that these days, so to whole thing is just a cultural custom. I don't say anything when someone sneezes, but I'm not offended by it ether. But if a theist wants to get uppity about the tradition, it's history is really an embarrassment to them.

JeffB Level 6 Apr 16, 2018

"I hope I don't catch that!"



used to wish good health to a person who has just sneezed.​


If you feel compelled to say something after a person sneezes I suggest "Gesundheit", which is a German word to wish someone good health.


I always say bless you when someone sneezes and thank you when someone does the same for me. I look at it as a matter of being polite. Many Christians say it, as well, and it really started as just a pagan thing, right? I don’t have to believe that someone’s soul is being sneezed out in order to be polite


My response to"bless you" is "Thanks. I need all the blessings I can get". They are always at a loss for words.


Good job?


"You're soooo good looking"


When I sneeze, I say "excuse me" as if I had expelled another involuntary bodily function. I don't expect anyone to bless me, nor do I bless anyone when they sneeze.
If it's a friend, I might facietously say "goes-in-tight" ?




Another one for "Gesundheit" - got into the habit after watching the original "Talking of Pelham 123"


As a joke with my athiest work-mate, I say; "gross!" or "that's disgusting" 😀

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