Their fears, depravity, and ignorance have no limit.
Cult leader not dead, simply 'in stasis and out of communication'
"After police found the mummified remains of Amy Carlson, above, draped in Christmas lights they were told by members of a New Age cult she led – Love Has Won – that she was 'in stasis' and 'out of communication'"
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I saw that. I posted a similar news feed, except mine didn't have that she was in stasis. They also said someone put glitter makeup on her corpse.
The illogical atheist Richard Dawkins meme organism, parasite in the brain of a person. Has it's own cognition, a mind over taking the mind of a person.
He welcomed N. K. Humphrey's suggestion that "memes should be considered as living structures, not just metaphorically"[12] and proposed to regard memes as "physically residing in the brain."[13] wikipedia. [].
She did like her festive lights. Even brought them to Kauai when she attempted to relocate her cult here last summer. Many videos of her in her hotel room and vacation rental house with colored lights draped over the windows, etc., while she ranted on in a drunken state in horribly abusive verbal attacks on everyone around her. The world just might be better off now that she's not taking advantage of her gullible followers, many of whom are not in custody. Hopefully the family members of those involved will be able to reclaim their sons/daughters and they can be un-programmed out of the cult beliefs.
i dunno, these types are of course weird to a normy, right, but really how harmful are they to the public? I have a bigger hard-on for the financial predators running the Fed tbh