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Please "LIKE" all of Phxbillcee's & Marrionville's post's that they may reach 100,000 points so that Agnostic will explode.

Mooolah 8 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe we'll all be asked to return our shirts to be made into a quilted robe for the king or queen to reach a million points! Maybe they'll receive a torch or scepter to lead us all into the beyond! Who knows! 🙂


Of course


I don’t expect anyone to like my posts unless they think they have merit. Anyway, at the moment I think it’s more than likely Bill will overtake me before I reach 1 million points and claim the distinction of being first to do so. It will be interesting to see if anything significant actually happens, whoever is first to reach level 10...I don’t expect anything will.

I agree. It is all nonsense but fun....mostly.

The only folks I won't "like" are the "trumpanzezes", assholes, & the cruel. You are none of these & receive many "likes". Level 10 means nothing except a meaningless accomplishment just as the Teee shirt & pen but there was diversion & entertainment along the way.

@Mooolah That just about sums it up!


A million

How much is that?

@Mooolah 1,000,000 points to get to level 10. One million.

@barjoe I can't fathom a "million".

@Mooolah Keep going


Been doing it before he even left, still do


. . . ummmmmm -- it's 1,000,000 (a million) to get to level 10. 😛

@Cutiebeauty would have got-there long-ago had she not "disappeared" 😮


@Mooolah . . . do you know that is why she hasn't logged-in ?

@FearlessFly Sort of. She has 2 young children & needed to attend to them was the general assessment. But who knows what the real reason was/is. Burn out? We miss her.


Happy to.

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