Do you read the comments on a post from the top down, or bottom up?
Top to bottom. I like when tops get on my bottom.
Read top down - sometimes back up to review.
As noted by others, I like to read from the top down, but from the oldest to newest, so I use the tab at the top to switch to oldest first. Many of the comments generate replies, and even some of the newer comments are responses to earlier comments. I follow the discussion much better from beginning to end.
I like to reply before being corrupted by other's comments
Me too
I start top down, but later on might try bottom up for something different.
Top down. I know it is backwards, but that is the nature of my life. If l know my reply is different than anyone else's l may not read any depending on the subject. If it is a serious subject l scroll to see if someone else says it better than l could or just to make sure l am not duplicating someone else. Damn, I've really managed to make this complicated.