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Do you believe in love at first sight? I'm feeling lost and desperate, and wonder if my soul mate is out there to be found.

All_is_fair 3 Apr 16

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Why not search through the list of men living closeby in your preferred age group and send them a Private Message inviting them to respond. Include your photo, and a little about yourself.


"Love at first sight" is usually lust. Which is fine, as long as you don't get it twisted and think
it's something it isn't. I don't believe in a "soulmate". I also don't think we always meet "the one".
Relationships are transitory. It's rare when humans mate for life.
Be open to the possibilities. You might not meet "Mr. Right", but you could meet
several "Mr. Right-now(s)".

LOL! So true!


No, lust at first sight, yes. Love is something that needs time to grow.


I definitely do not believe in love at first sight. Attraction, probably. Infatuation, possibly. But love takes time. It is never instant, and if it feels instant - that's not love.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

That is just how to get trapped into something you do not want. Rethink regroup level head will be a much better approach.


True love takes time to develop. There's initial physical attraction called lust.

Well put and that can be an icebreaker. OK spell checker suggested iceberg. Go figure. Heheheh


No, I don't believe in love at first sight. Love, like trust is grown. Nor do I believe in a soul mate, but I do believe there's sombody out there who'll put up with you and later find they love you.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

I believe in lust at first site, but that fades, to me you grow love!


I’m a believer in love comes around when you aren’t looking for it. Now I have to eat my words since I’m on a dating site BUT WITH LOW EXPECTATIONS!


There's physical attraction, lust, and love. Attraction to physical appearance, lust with sexual attraction and love which is revealed over time. No there is no love at first sight.


Attraction, yes.
Love....well, that's a relative kind of thing....means a lot of different things to whomever is using it at that moment.
Love is a wishing well.



No. We are just shaved animals pick a bull and have. Trust is a big one. Never lie. Except to women. Sorry ladies if I offended any of you...See how east that is.


No, such a thing does not exist. And that's a good thing.

Love comes in stages: from meeting a person, getting to know them, learning about (and from) them, and just plain old feeling comfortabvle with them. And then one day it starts out like a usual date, and then deep down you've both decided to take it to the next level. And then it's like a revelation: things ar different that next second than they were the second before.

Love at first sight? How could that even happen? Love would be a shallow thing indeed if syuch a thing were possible.


You are definitely attracted to some people much quicker than others and not just because of looks.

words are a human invention


Attraction at first sight? Constantly. Your Starmate is out there. No need to be desperate.


Meeting someone and being attracted to them on the first meeting is telling but true love requires trust and that only comes with time. But the attraction is a source to use to build a relationship on. My thoughs are that true love involves completing the "triangle: body-heart-mind" (in not so many words). Once your interest can fulfill all three points (once you get to know their charachter and trust them) your world will truly be turned upside down. Then vulnerability comes into play. You must put yourself out there trusting they will too as either of you can leave at any time if you choose. But if you choose to stay with each other, that relationship could withstand time, and that's very "soulmate" like, a deep vulnerable intimate trusting relationship where you can't live without each other body-heart-mind. Does it exist, absolutely! But a word of caution, in my humble opinion based on my experiences, love is not enough.


Infatuation can be at first sight but I think of love as being a relationship. Relationships take time and work.


Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time.


I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do think there can be an initial attraction. How it works out from there is up to the individuals.


I do and the biggest reason i think is that love at first sight is to a degree genetic. in theory we all have perfect genetic matchs in the gene pool with us. and on the rare and i mean rare chance you find that person you click. now the real world gets involved. you might be too young or in a committed relationship already and aren't aware of. well thats what i beleive and i have been an incurable romantic all my life.


No - lust at first sight followed by love if you're lucky. Better to be friends and discover the links that will lead to love...


Souls don't exist, therefore they cannot mate.

Pheromones exist, and they can be staggeringly effective.


No I believe in lust at first sight. You look at a person and want them to be what you're looking for. We want them to be the one and we want to love them. Based on attraction we want them to be more than physical.


No I believe in lust at first sight. You look at a person and want them to be what you're looking for. We want them to be the one and we want to love them. Based on attraction we want them to be more than physical.


I believe in mutual attraction at first sight, which can grow into love. However, I think love actually needs sometime to grow.


Everything has been said that could be said about your question so I am going to take this opportunity to give you an apology. I was on a crew that built a Pizza Hut in Elizabethtown in 1975. As far as I was able to ascertain at the time it was the first franchised restaurant in the whole town. I am sure it started a trend that has never ceased. I apologize for contaminating your beautiful city.

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