Quick questions... or maybe not... How does everyone feel about marriage?
If something is awesome, don't bring the government in on it!
I think for a lot of people it has to do with wanting/needing to fit societal mores. Being different can be uncomfortable and invite rejection. However, I think what marriage has evolved into in American society, is putting just too much strain on the institution. The idea of being everything to your spouse and expecting them to be the same for you is relatively recent. The concept of one man and one woman is neither historically nor culturally the most common form, yet all societies have some form of commitment ceremony. I think for a lot of people the public making of a commitment is an important part of their identity. But I don't think it's necessarily the best for everyone, or for most people. Given the high rates of infidelity (as opposed to mutually agreed-upon non-monogamy), and the frequency of divorce, there's something wrong with the system. For myself, I'd rather be with someone who wanted to be with me and who I wanted to be with. But no more marriage. For me it means more if both are free to go -- but choose to stay.
Its old-fashioned bullshit
You're not alone in that thought.
Fine for child bearing years. Why anyone over that part of their life wouldn't just have "handfasting" or similar, if they had to have some kind of ceremony at all, is beyond my understanding.